Article Marketing Faster – Become an Instant Expert
Digital Marketing

Article Marketing Faster – Become an Instant Expert

More and more webmasters and businesses see the need and benefits of posting articles online to drive more traffic to their sites and increase their search engine rankings. But often these people have neither the time nor the skills to write the articles themselves. As a result, many are now hiring people like me to write their articles for them.

But as more and more of my income comes from ghostwriting these articles for my clients to post online, I find I have to keep pushing myself to make the writing process faster.

So I took a good long look at the one area of ​​article writing that constantly slows me down. After making a few changes in this phase, I was able to further increase the volume of articles I write.

That phase is the investigation. When I write my own articles, the research is usually pretty minimal because I already have a lot of knowledge on the subject. But when I’m writing an article for a client, I may not have that familiarity.

Let’s say a client has hired me to write about real estate closings and title insurance. Other than my own experience as a homebuyer, this is not an area in which I am very knowledgeable. But if I want to monetize my time, I have to catch up on this subject very quickly.

I start by asking questions. I ask questions that I want to know the answers to, and I also write questions that I assume the reader of the article will want to know. The more questions I ask, the more I can limit my research to answer only those details.

I also write as much of the article as I can BEFORE researching. It seems like it should be the opposite, but I think it works very well. Very often I have at least a little knowledge of the subject or my client has told me enough to write a basic article. This allows me to have a rough draft before I start getting bogged down in gathering information that I won’t need to write the article.

Then comes Wikipedia. Wikipedia is one of many online encyclopedias that offer a wealth of information on any topic you can imagine. I like to start with condensed fonts like this and only move to book-size fonts if the need arises.

Next I do a Google search on the subject. But I realize that I have to use the advanced search mode to be able to precisely target the information I’m looking for. Try to word your search terms so that you don’t come up with millions or thousands of pages of search results to go through.

Finally, if my client has hired me to write a series of ten or more articles, I will set up Google alerts so that for the next few days I can receive information on these topics as they appear on the Internet.

It is very easy to get stuck doing a lot of unnecessary research on a topic. Doing too much research can make your time much less profitable. But high-speed article writing requires you to streamline every phase of article writing. Once you gather your material, you can write articles in batches and clusters, making your time even more productive.

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