Best friends and faithful friendships

Best friends and faithful friendships

In an effort to meet people and make friends, we all spend a lifetime joining all kinds of sports teams, clubs, organizations, and committees, but in all that lifetime of meeting thousands of people over many decades, we emerge with maybe three best friends or so. There comes a point in everyone’s life, usually a low point, when one realizes exactly who is important and who really matters, and it is at this crossroads that one discovers his true friends. It’s the point where things go terribly wrong and everyone scatters, everyone except a few loyal, trustworthy, honest, compassionate, understanding, empathetic, sympathetic friends, the real ones, the guardians.

There are many variations of friends; comrades, partners, good times, acquaintances, traitors, frenemies, best friends. Friends who leave a sour taste in the mouth, those who are toxic, controlling, needy, obsessive, abusive and/or petty, traitorous traitors who are insincere, poisonous, users, individually and/or collectively contribute to meaningless relationships , failed, and weak friendships are not even worth mentioning, but I feel compelled to warn you to beware of such things and stay away from them. Moving forward, for today, the focus is on ‘best friends and faithful friendships’.

Best friends always have your back. In moments of helplessness, despair and confusion, the best friends come into your life, walk by your side and never leave your side, regardless of your flaws. You can always count on the best friends to share; pain, joy, fears, hopes, dreams, visions, food, drink or just a good laugh and good company. The best friends are the best listeners; you can for your heart to them. When you’re with your best friends, you feel comfortable, relaxed, refreshed, and just plain happy. Best friends are kind and nonjudgmental; they are absolutely majestic and a source of joy no matter how distracting things seem. The greatest and best friends are sometimes found in husbands, mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, cousins, or just random friends, and they all provide the most fruitful friendships of all.

Faithful friendships are indestructible. These types of friendships give more and take less and provide you with a safe place without expectations or demands. True friendships exchange mutual respect and purpose and are rare and hard to find; you want to fight to maintain these friendships that, by the way, scientists have discovered nourish your mind and soul.

It’s worth remembering here that best friends are human and can make mistakes; you want to give and take and forgive when best friends make mistakes, and when they do, it’s no good blaming and manipulating them. From my own experience, many of my friends have been wrong at least once and all things considered, I forgave them and many are now my most precious and faithful best friends. Now I enjoy the most radiant friendships in history. I’ll tell you this, be you and be there.

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