bread relief
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bread relief

(Especially headache, neck, back, sacrum, hip, knee, ankle or foot pain)

“I hurt!” is one of the most common things a doctor hears. Most of the people I saw in 44 years of practice had not received lasting pain relief, conventional or alternative, integrative or complementary. Often just listening to a patient, I would not only hear how they got hurt, but they would quickly tell me what didn’t work, and then tell me what helped them!

Many times I have found that gentle pressure or a slight lateral movement on the sore spots would relieve the problem quickly, but briefly. These were ‘clues’ that told me what therapy to do next. Sometimes a simple soft tissue movement, simple naturopathic movements (no painful ‘crunches’), sticking a special magnet over selected points, and voila – feeling MUCH better and not needing to go back unless the pain returns! Sometimes a simple touch to an ear (the warmth of a colored felt marker on THE spot might do the trick!). It is important to determine if there are lefties/righties involved. When acupuncture is indicated, there are techniques without needles; For more difficult conditions, our THREE POINT method can alleviate and/or eliminate deep-seated problems immediately. YOU DON’T NEED TO ‘MARRY’ ME FOR THREE TIMES A WEEK VISITS…if you don’t feel better right away and I can’t rid you of your pain in 4-5 visits, then I won’t in 105 strokes. My goals: relieve pain NOW with less medication than you were using before and put you in control of your own treatment.

The best results come from those who are in endless pain. 24/7 pain relief is usually immediate, sometimes delayed up to 8-10 hours, but always SAME DAY. If you’re a heavy smoker, plan to QUIT in one twenty-minute visit (no drugs!): but remember, I don’t sew up your lips! Nobody but you puts that cigarette in your mouth… we need to change your lifestyle, and that is the TRUTH!

If your pain comes and goes, it’s harder to get rid of. If you have a migraine or tic-douloureaux attack once a month and it goes away after one treatment, don’t think it’s over. The first time you eat chocolate or peanuts or drink alcohol, you may have another attack. I find that MOST of these attacks are sensitivity or allergy related; We need some good detective work here as well as your willingness to stop whatever we find to be the cause of the problem! The funny thing about some of these treatments: there may be what I choose to call ‘reverse tolerance’. That is, they can provide relief for 3-6 months at a time, then the pain may return and a single treatment provides relief for another 3-6 months…or it just goes away until the ‘next time’ you slip. in a banana peel or whatever…

If that’s the way you might answer, there’s usually some underlying physical or structural condition. We’ll go back to “back to basics”: making sure you don’t have an uneven leg length; it may be a narrowing of the bone where a nerve passes, or there may be scar tissue from a previous injury or surgery. Or (worse yet) no one paid attention to ligaments you may have overstretched or “pulled” long ago. Disc herniation? Normally, that does NOT need surgery in more than 90% of the cases! (I speak from my personal experience here.)

I can’t ‘undo’ the damage caused by bone-on-bone rubbing. But most people can expect to live quite well for several months without pain; then a single “fit” visit and you’re good to go. Typically, these people may need a referral to a specially trained MD or ND to receive 6 to 8 specific nonsteroidal prolotherapy treatments (approximately a month apart) and surgery may be avoided. Many people have been told that their problem is “in their head.” Well, yes, our brain handles everything: but I maintain that SYMPTOMATIC MEDICINE IS NOT GOOD MEDICINE…nothing beats a good doctor who makes a good diagnosis and then selects the best treatment. Getting rid of the cause gets rid of its symptoms.

I have been a user of Auriculotherapy for more than 35 years: In my opinion, this particular form of treatment makes almost everything work better… For that reason, if you are not better after your first visit, you may not be in the proper medical office. Yes, whether in the treatment of dogs, horses or humans – we have made BIG strides. Many of us just need to slow down a bit and ‘listen carefully’ to what it tells us. There are still some among us who are not trying just to collect the fee (sometimes money can be the root of ‘evil’). You should feel comfortable asking your own doctor what ails you and he/she should answer you.

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