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Can I be a healer too?

This is a question that many people ask themselves. Over the years, they see a doctor work wonders with a stethoscope and some pills. Someone tells a friend about the moment they “thought” about their own headache. Another person tells the story of when they were at a rock concert, and during an interval they came across a psychic healer who charged £ 5 for a mini session. An emotional blockage they had suffered since childhood was lifted and it doesn’t bother them anymore. For many, these abilities seem out of reach. Either you have to study hard for many years, or you are a natural born with otherworldly skills. Of course, the third opinion also prevails; Anything that is not medical is a psychological scam or a placebo.

However, the short and genuine answer to the title of this article is yes!

In fact, all of us are already healers. It is so common and ordinary that people simply do not realize the great gift that we all have and use every day. The comforting arm when someone is distressed, the gentle touch of a mother on the bruise that her son has acquired or the reassuring words of a friend. These are all forms of healing and are as special as any skill a doctor or nurse, or their local spiritual healer, has.

The healing comes from a loving concern. It naturally radiates when someone sympathizes with someone else’s plight. It is not concerned with the beliefs or prejudices of the giver or the receiver. Some people have the ability to radiate this “energy” almost perpetually. They shine with health, happiness and vitality. People are enlivened by his presence in the room and are often on the lookout for his every word. These are the natural ones, they don’t need guidance or training to be a “healer”, it just happens; and they already know what to do, when and how to do it. In fact, sometimes they don’t even need to do anything, healing can happen just by being in their presence.

But what about you, Joe and I Blogs?

For the rest of us, a little help is often needed. Society tends to insist that we all conform, our eccentricities are squashed, our uniqueness is covered up, and from a very young age we are told that being different is bad. “What will the neighbors think?”

This prevents many children from asking important questions, and because the parents were brought up the same way, the parents wouldn’t know the answers anyway. We are in a trap 22 situation here because individuality has been drawn from us for so long that we have forgotten what it is like and how to nurture it. This is why you, me, and Joe Blogs need help. It can be overwhelming enough for many to try a new ‘alternative’ therapy because it ‘sounds a little crazy’, just think how daunting it can be for someone to consider the fact that they might actually be an alternative therapist as well.

Well, they can … It’s easy.

In the West there are complexes regarding the fact that some alternative therapies can be transmitted and learned in a matter of days. This is because the education system expects people who have grades in a certain subject to get them only after years of study. How can someone be a Reiki practitioner after only two days?

Reiki, and some other therapies, are based on a process of attunement or initiation ceremony. The Reiki Master performs certain actions on the receptor that open pathways of energy already existing within the aura, or electromagnetic field, of the receptor. Aside from a few other finer details that are not appropriate to convey here, all that is happening is that a human’s natural ability to “channel” therapeutic healing energies is being returned to the recipient, and somehow amplified. If humanity allowed this kind of knowledge to be transmitted and practiced from childhood, no one would need to ask for the services of a Master. We would all be advanced and natural healers.

The fact that someone can become a healer in two or three days is one thing, but what about the knowledge of how to heal the thousands of different conditions that a practitioner may encounter in their life? This is where another perfectly natural, but suppressed ability comes into play. Intuition! This is one of the most neglected senses that man possesses. We’ve all heard of female intuition, and it seems to be true that women have a naturally more developed sense of intuition than men, but all humans have it, it’s just not used or trusted enough.

It’s a bit like swimming. You learn to do it as a kid, then you forget to go to the local toilets for 30 years. Suddenly, the midlife crisis hits home and gives you the mistake of being in shape. Go to the restrooms, diving straight in and swimming a length without thinking. You never forget how to swim and your intuition never forgets how to work. You just need to remember how to recognize it and learn to trust it.

It is intuition, and learning to trust it, that transforms a newly developed therapist into a good therapist. Any therapy will have its basic procedures and “general” methods. If you really don’t know what to do in a certain situation, then do this, that, and that … (let’s face it, doctors do this too: “Oh, you’ve got a mistake of some kind. Take two of these and see how it goes. . “) But as time passes and the therapist gains experience, these wildcards will be used less and less. Intuition will take over, prove your worth, and allow the therapist to gain confidence.

With a therapy like Reiki, treatment plans can be quite logical. If your back hurts, treat your back, if you cut your leg, treat the cut. However, intuition can intervene, sometimes without the therapist knowing why, and cause other seemingly unrelated areas to be treated. Often, when questioned, the patient will recall an old injury or accident that ends up explaining why the doctor felt the need to move his hands from the cut of the knee to the big toe for a time. There are other areas that also come into play with a Reiki or other energy healing session. The aura needs to heal just as much as the physical body. It may be that the aura is damaged or unbalanced. The therapist can feel this in many cases and treatment is delivered directly to the affected area, but intuition can also tell the therapist to move away from the initial treatment area as an affected area of ​​the aura may need to be cared for. that the physical problem can be cured more quickly.

All of this comes with practice, and the beauty of Reiki in particular is that you can practice it yourself. The more you practice, the more you learn about energy manipulation and the more Reiki teaches you. If I could I would tune in to everyone, it’s a wonderful experience and an amazing revelation, not to mention a really useful pain reliever to have on hand when doing it in the garden.

Then; yes, everyone can be a healer, because you already are. You may just need a little help to master.

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