Manage and lead ethical decision-making in creating a workplace to live well (Focus)
Real Estate

Manage and lead ethical decision-making in creating a workplace to live well (Focus)

Ethics is at the forefront of all relationships when managing and directing staff. Through day-to-day interactions, ethical decision-making guides behavior. Also, the way you obtain, serve and retain customers involves ethics. Their willingness to work with you is guided by the ethics of your decision-making regarding the customer experience. Equally important, determine whether keeping a […]

6 first steps towards quality relationships between real estate agents and buyers
Real Estate

6 first steps towards quality relationships between real estate agents and buyers

Given that, for most people, the value of their home represents their main financial asset, wouldn’t it make sense for a qualified prospective buyer to hire the right real estate agent to represent them in this process, to ensure the best possible results? desirable etc? For best results, it’s important to emphasize true teamwork, between […]

How good real estate agents FIND the right house for their clients?
Real Estate

How good real estate agents FIND the right house for their clients?

For generations, home ownership has been considered an essential component of the so-called American Dream! However, each potential, qualified buyer is not looking for the same things and does not necessarily have the same combination of needs, priorities, qualifications, needs, and finances. So not only should these people proceed, without rose-colored glasses, and have some […]