Cats Make Great Pets If You Understand Them

Cats Make Great Pets If You Understand Them

Anyone who wants a new kitten must be a cat lover. Let’s face it folks, cats are different from dogs. Cats don’t usually perform any special tricks, and they certainly don’t look after your belongings while you’re away. In fact, the only thing you can be sure of having a cat is that a mouse won’t last long if it sneaks into your house.

Cats are loved by many due to their independence. Cats have a life, so to speak. Most cats don’t follow you around the house with their tongues hanging out of their mouths waiting for your attention. While they love their owners fiercely, cats will not grovel like a dog and will adore and fawn over their owners. Cats are perfectly content just being themselves, and don’t seem to need constant reassurance, unlike canines.

This doesn’t mean cats don’t need love and affection, it just means cats aren’t “fragile” characters. In fact, cats exude a self-assurance that can often be misconstrued as indifference or coldness. However, cats are far from aloof or insensitive. They feel deeply and love deeply. If a cat comes to sit on your lap, you know that you are truly loved.

Every time the family thinks of bringing a new pet into the house, it is exciting. Cats are the favorites of many because when they are puppies they are very entertaining to watch. Cats have a mind of their own and only a true cat lover can claim to understand the psyche of a feline. Cats are mysterious animals, which is part of their attraction. While cats have been brought into the home, their instincts still remain. The cats adopt their owners and even go out and offer “dinner”. Many cat owners have walked out onto the porch to find a dead mouse, opossum, or mole waiting for them. Now, that’s love and loyalty!

If you plan to bring a cat into your home, you should see it as a lifelong commitment. Cats can live fifteen years and more. You also need to understand that as cats mature, they often sleep and lounge around the house. If you want a cat to entertain you throughout your life, you need to seriously think about whether a cat is the pet for you. Kittens are very entertaining and young cats are always curious and open to challenges. However, older cats are not easily aroused and usually prefer to watch the antics of the house from a distance.

When you have made the decision to bring a new cat into your home, you will have to decide between a domestic cat or a purebred. If you choose to go with a purebred cat, you can be sure of its size and appearance, and possibly its temperament. There are over 40 races to choose from, so do your homework. You’ll want to research the grooming requirements of the breed you’re considering, along with the general disposition of the breed.

Domestic cats come in all colors and shapes. When looking at any cat, there are a few things to consider. For example, while all cats are fairly proportionate to one another, there are some cats that are lankier and slimmer than others. These cats will be the ones that may be most interested in running and exploring. The thicker, heavier cat will probably be more relaxed and won’t be too rushed about anything. You can choose between a long-haired domestic cat or a short-haired domestic cat.

When choosing your kitten, you need to understand that kittens should be odorless. While puppies tend to smell, kittens don’t. You must observe the entire litter of kittens. Do any of them have crusty eyes or a runny nose? If so, you may want to reconsider choosing a kitten from that litter. You certainly shouldn’t take one home just because you feel sorry for it either. Especially if you have other pets in your house. All kittens should have bright, clear eyes and be highly alert.

You should take care of the kittens. His coat should be soft and silky, never stiff or dry. Similarly, his coat should not feel oily or greasy. When you pet the kitten, you should run your hands over her skin to make sure she doesn’t have any sores. When you are holding each kitten, hold it close to your face and pet it. Listen for any breathing noise. You should not hear any gasping or gasping breaths. If it does, it may be a sign that the kitten has a respiratory infection.

After visiting the kittens, instinct will usually tell you which kitten is your mate. You may feel that the loud and rambunctious kitty will fit better in your lively home. Or, you may decide that the laid back kitty is more your style, especially if you have a quiet home. Once you have made your decision and chosen your kitten, you should have a kennel waiting to travel. You should never attempt to travel in a car with a cat unless it is restrained or in a kennel. While most dogs love car rides, cats tend to get scared. They can shrink under your feet and this can lead to an accident.

When you bring your new kitten home, you should immediately show her where the litter box, food, and water are. You should also have a supply of cat toys on hand to distract the cat from missing his mother and his littermates. While this can’t be completely avoided, paying attention to a new kitten will do wonders for the transition to his new family.

You should expect your new kitty to explore every nook and cranny of the house. This is a necessary part of grooming a kitten. (Even older cats seem to perk up when a new piece of furniture is brought into a home they’ve lived in for years.) You should keep toilet lids closed, and you may want to remove potted plants and the like until your cat learns the rules.

Cats are social creatures and can learn the rules of their new environment consistently. Although you may think that they do not understand what you are saying, this is not true. If you have a new kitty who wants to cross your kitchen counter or dining room table, simply waving a newspaper at her and saying “down” will teach her not to. Eventually, you’ll be able to put away the newspaper and just say the command.

Kittens can add joy to any home. Part of the fun is knowing that kitty is oblivious to the fact that she is the center of attention. She is not trying to get attention from her by acting. She is just being a cat. You also shouldn’t be upset if your kitty isn’t interested in being a lapcat. While she can be content for a few moments on your lap, kittens get to roam, play and explore. As her cat matures, she will be more inclined to relax snuggled in her lap. Until then, make her feel loved and you’ll have a feline that will adore you and her new home.

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