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Causes and treatment of unwanted skin growths

Immaculate beauty is always a joy to own and everyone wishes for clean, fresh skin that always shines at its best. Unfortunately, sometimes this glow goes away due to unwanted skin growths like bumps, moles, and warts on the body.

Despite the fact that these growths do not represent a significant danger to life, they are considered negative factors capable of causing an imperfection in their beauty.

Before we move on to examining treatment options to cure them, it will be helpful to know their causes and preventive steps. Most of these warts are caused by HPV or the human papillomavirus.

You need to be careful around these skin growths as they can be easily passed from an infected person through skin-to-skin contact. There is no defined area that they affect, although the common areas are the face, neck, arms and knees.

Most often, they attack the body of a person with a weak immune system. They easily enter the body through cracks in the skin and once they start to appear, you know your immune system has taken a beating!

Speaking of treatment options, they range from creams, prescription drugs, or other forms of ointments prepared from natural ingredients.

It is a popular habit among people suffering from these lumps or moles to seek medical assistance from general practitioners who prescribe creams. In some severely affected cases, cutting them by freezing them is a common practice. This is a painful method and is also likely to leave scars.

So what is a better option? Natural products made from herbs and herbal extracts are an effective solution to remove warts and moles.

These products aim to boost your body’s immunity through ingredients like:

• Lime juice

Drinking about ¼ cup of fresh lemon juice added to water every morning efficiently boosts your immune system.

• Aloe vera

Aloe Vera juice can be taken every day to help your body improve immune power. In addition, you can make good use of its antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral nature by extracting the juice of this herb and applying it to the affected part of the skin. In due time, it will heal the warts and bumps.

• Oregano oil

Oil of oregano can also be used as aloe vera. In no time, you will see a very visible effect as unwanted skin growths are removed.

• Foods rich in vitamin C

One of the easiest ways to boost immunity is to include lots of vitamin C rich items like oranges, guavas, kiwis, cauliflowers, etc.

Boosting your body’s immune power is the most effective preventative measure you can take to keep any type of undesirable skin growth at bay!

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