Cell Phone Etiquette: Returning a Call with a Text

Cell Phone Etiquette: Returning a Call with a Text

Even though cell phones are somewhat new to society, they have already been widely accepted, and as a result, you may have seen some bad cell phone etiquette. The next topic has a lot to do with etiquette, and it also has to do with sending a certain message.

The problem I’m referring to is returning a call with a text. Happens all the time. You call someone, only to go to their voicemail. You leave a message, something like, “Hi, it’s me, call me when you get a chance.” And then you play the waiting game. Eventually, the person answers you, but instead of calling you, they send you a text. Typically this message will say something like “sorry I missed your call” followed by a generic excuse like “I was at the gym” or “I was in a meeting”. So if you left a question on your voicemail, the person might include the answer in their text. If your voicemail did not include a question or the reason for the call, the text message will usually be brief.

This is a problem? Not always. Let’s say you didn’t need to talk, you just needed some specific information from the person. Maybe he wanted to know what time a party started or if a movie was worth the $10 admission price. This question could easily be answered via text message, and then the important answer would be given without either party wasting precious free time.

But sometimes, we call people not to get specific information, but to talk. Someone we want to know how the holidays went, or see how they’re doing at a new job, or just tell someone they’ve been thinking about them. This type of communication can be just as important as the direct call for answers, if not more. You are reaching out to the person, letting them know that you care about their life and their well-being.

By responding to this type of call with a text, you’re essentially saying, “I can’t be bothered to talk to you on the phone.” Of course, talking to someone on the phone takes time. Sometimes it takes a long time. And many human beings, especially when they reach adulthood, are extremely busy. Between work, adventures, family and friends, children and so many other things, many times we don’t have time just to “chat”. But what we don’t always realize is that talking to someone has value, both the connection you make with that person and the value you give them by showing them how important they are.

When you text to reply to a voicemail, you are sending the message that the person is not worth your time. Now, some people suck and probably aren’t worth it, but if the caller is someone you care about, try to think about the message you’re sending when you reply with a dismissive text. If you ignore or dismiss someone’s calls often enough, your friendship will surely fade away. Returning a call with a text destroys relationships and lives.

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