Dad, fall in love with your children
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Dad, fall in love with your children

A father’s heart can be a multiplicity of concerns, purposes and responsibilities. These multiplicities can and must be managed or can get in the way of each other. Wow, that’s abstract. Let me explain further, everything a parent does will detract from or contribute to progress on any or all of their goals. Care must be taken that in each area of ​​the complex maze in which a dad comes to live, addition actions are taken for the sole purpose. Otherwise, the energy and emotions that belong to one purpose could be wasted or spent on another. What we are going to talk about here are some tips on how to do little things to endear and cheer up your children.

The need for encouragement: Children will find enough disappointment, discouragement and setback, to keep them humble. What they need is a loving dad who encourages them, giving them the endearing knowledge that someone believes in them and their abilities. Dad, this is your Job, and one that can reward you long after your departure to the afterlife.

When God entrusts you with the eternal life of a new child, put a great opportunity before you. First, she provided the opportunity to live for something other than yourself, and thereby grow in your manhood, spirit, and self-control. Living on your own will eventually land you in the depressing, suicidal land of “So What.” Men need to live for something bigger than themselves, otherwise their motivation will drop and their spirit will slowly begin to die.

Second, God will consider the great works done by his children as part of his job. This is because you and his wife are the ones who gave the children the principles, discipline, and self-control they needed to do great and remarkable things. This is a huge topic and I could write a book, but for now let’s move on.

the power of the hug; this is a powerful tool and regularly used by those who understand “emotional intelligence”. When you hug a child, you give him the idea that everything will be fine. When you hug a child, you create a sense of security and faith that they need now and will continue into their adult life. Think about it, what if you had grown up with the belief that you can achieve anything you set your mind to? What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? The hug can help instill the confidence they will need to overcome great obstacles, and in overcoming them they will build the great character necessary to get to do great things.

If your child loves animals, you will too. If your little girl loves small animals, then she must learn to enjoy small animals. My girl brought home a chicken the other day. I didn’t panic or foam at the mouth. However, I really don’t want chickens in the house; I also don’t want to hurt the enthusiasm of my girls. You will need that enthusiasm and love for cute little things later in life. What I did when she came in all excited wanting her to see her chicken was this, I asked her to bring me the chicken. As she held the chicken, I stroked it gently on the back of her neck. As she did so, I could see my daughter’s nervousness about my reaction change to love, joy, and trust. We talked about how funny chickens and animals can be. After five minutes or so I added quietly “okay we better get her outside”. My daughter smiled and said OK daddy. We got a little closer because of that incident. I tried to use animals as an activity that we enjoyed together. She loves the good and right things that they love, even if you don’t really like them at all. Don’t let the prince of the air use your [don’t likes] against your family.

Participate in school activities: These are the projects your kids come home with. Stay on top of what’s going on in their lives and make them feel that when they need help they can come to you. Help them with their project without doing it for them. Use these events to make them talk. If they don’t feel free to talk to you and your spouse, where will they turn when life’s problems start to get in the way?

When you show Enthusiasm for something good and right, you show Enthusiasm: when the child comes home happy and excited about something, let him play with you. He listens attentively with enthusiasm, let yourself enjoy the enthusiasm of him. Listen close enough to ask questions. Who else do you want them to share enthusiasm with if not you? People of all ages need someone to share life’s adventures with, having a good and proper relationship where you can share your enthusiasm about any subject is critical to a person’s mental health. This is especially true with children.

When are you coming home dad? A good friend of mine tells a story, he would come home from two jobs, sit on the couch and try to relax by watching a few moments of television. His son would try to stay awake so he could see his dad for a few moments.

His son said, “Dad, look at this cool truck.” That’s good, son, and dad would watch TV again. The boy tried to get his attention several times but without success. Then the boy grabbed daddy’s cheeks and said, “Daddy, play with me!” This message was received.

Suddenly, a divine knowledge of the importance of the situation entered his heart, his son had been waiting for his parents to return all day and now dad is home and they can see each other for about 30 minutes and dad wants to watch TV in its place.

Tears welled up in Dad’s eyes and the television went off. and he discovered

that he had the energy after all to play with his son.

It’s written:

Pro 13:12 Deferred hope makes the heart sick: goal when desire arrives, is a tree of life.”

Some parents don’t care if their children are disappointed over and over again, as if their hearts don’t matter. There are times when it is bad for your character to give them what they want too often. However, doing the opposite and never giving them what they want can be just as bad. Parents need to find a balance, balance can be found in the search for the Almighty and a lifelong search for pure wisdom.

Communicate and/or teach Principles: Children who grow up with the confidence to conquer the world and have never been given a set of guiding principles to live by, will usually justify any malicious act against others to get what they want. Trust must be governed and guided by a set of principles. You can instill principles by reading the Bible to children, going to church, and living well in the sight of your children. Put another way, progress in this area will also come when your children see you making a sincere effort to live by the principles you want them to live. What principles? You can probably create a list yourself; however, I will mention some of the most important ones. First, honoring and respecting God, Parents and authorities, these are the ones that will help young people when making mega decisions.

This first principle also activates the promise of a long life. Second, the confidence-building art of keeping your word all the time, along with the art of thinking about what you say before you say it. Third, the joy of telling the truth coupled with the masculine art of knowing what not to say. Don’t have sex until you’re married. This is controversial, but most marriage breakups can be attributed to mistrust generated by having sex before marriage. I will answer questions about this if you go to my site (contact page) and leave a message, I will contact you by email. I want you to be well, happy and live without reason for regret. Thank you, Roberto Tafolla. “All Rights Reserved” ©

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