Proper form will help you get more out of your training and lower your risk of injury.
Health Fitness

Proper form will help you get more out of your training and lower your risk of injury.

In recent years, Americans have begun to pay more attention to their fitness and health. As the rate of obesity increases in the US, it is causing people to reevaluate the way they eat and the way they care for their bodies. One of the most efficient ways to burn fat, lose weight, and stay healthy is to build more lean muscle. You don’t have to be a bodybuilder to enjoy the benefits of proper weight lifting. When done correctly, weight lifting will help you burn calories, lose weight, improve bone density, and increase muscle tone and strength. When weight training is not done correctly, you will not receive the full benefits and you will put yourself in danger of injury.

When beginning an exercise program, many people will try to learn exercises from a friend or by going directly to training facilities and watching others. Often what you are seeing and learning is not the correct way to perform these exercises. Improper form during exercise can cause a variety of problems like sprains, strains, and fractures. The unacceptable shape can not only lead directly to short-term injury, but if continued over time, it could cause joint degeneration leading to arthritis and other conditions. Before starting a routine, it’s in your best interest to work with a knowledgeable training expert. Regardless of whether you’ve been lifting weights for years or are just getting started, it’s smart to schedule time with a certified trainer to demonstrate proper form and make sure your form is true.


Do use the correct amount of weight. Start by lifting weights where you can easily do 12-15 reps with proper form. There is no need to go overboard. By employing the correct form, you will get much more benefits from your training session.

Whose skip your warm up. Muscles that are cold are more susceptible to injury. Do 5-10 minutes of stretching or aerobic activity before starting your routine.

Do balance your workout. Strive to work your major muscle groups.

Whose work through the bread. If an exercise causes pain, stop immediately or try using less weight. Continuing training when in pain can lead to injury.

Whose forget about resting your muscles. Avoid exercising the same muscle group two days in a row. Have a correct training plan and stick to it.

Do take your time during your training session. Going too fast and rushing can cause you to lose correctly and directly lead to injury. Set aside time to exercise and commit to using it all the time. If you follow these simple rules, you can significantly reduce the risk of joint, back and muscle injuries. Correct form also means you’ll get the most out of your routine.

Before beginning any exercise routine, seek the guidance of your physician.

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