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Debunking the Top 3 Myths About Homeopathy!

Several alternative systems of medicine have gained great importance in recent decades. Among them, homeopathy is one of the health sciences that was surrounded by so many controversies but which continued to emerge victorious, thanks to its timeless principles and scientifically proven medicines. It is no wonder that Master Samuel Hahnemann (Founder of Homeopathy) abandoned his practice of modern medicine and dedicated his life to Homeopathy.

So why are many people still skeptical about using homeopathy in their healing practice? Lack of adequate knowledge and the intellectually acquired ability to interpret the facts may be some of the reasons. Here is an attempt to dispel some of the myths that surround this beautiful and effective science. Let’s see-

(1)Homeopathic medicines work slowly.

I think this is one of the most deadly myths that prevent people from approaching this wonderful science. Homeopathic medicines are selected not only on the basis of the diagnosis of a particular case, but also on the basis of the characteristic signs and symptoms of the disease. In addition, it is an individualistic science in which an exact match between the symptoms of the drugs and the symptoms of the disease is necessary to impart healing. Therefore, failure to match the patient’s symptoms with those of the drug leads to partial similarities or no similarities. Obviously it leads to slow or no effect. Here it must be understood that these failures are due to homeopaths and not to homeopathy. When the law of the like is applied by the skilled homeopath after careful evaluation of the patient, relief of symptoms occurs even in a matter of minutes.

(two)Homeopaths do not reveal the name of the medicine they are administering.

Well, homeopaths certainly don’t want to claim that they are working miracles and that their secret medicine will give them relief. If the patient is educated and has a good understanding of the depth of homeopathic medicines, homeopaths really have no problem saying the names of the medicines they are administering. But homeopathy is not like modern medicine. It is an individual science that deals with the problems of people individually. If two people have a common cold, the remedy for these two may not be the same. If, in case the doctor says the name of the remedy and the patient, in total ignorance about homeopathic principles, gives the same medicine to his friend or relative for similar symptoms, it may produce negative effects or no effect. Even in the same patient, the set of symptoms may differ each time they contract a similar illness. So the medications can change. That is why many homeopaths prefer to dispense their medications on their own and not prescribe them. There is nothing more to that!

(3)When starting homeopathic treatment, the patient experiences a terrible aggravation of his symptoms, whether related to the skin or otherwise.

Basically, homeopathic medicines are administered on the basis of the similarity of the symptoms, as we said. Therefore, in the initial period, a slight aggravation of existing symptoms is a good sign, indicating that the selected drug is the correct one. But this temporary increase in symptoms is never prolonged and after this short period, the patient begins to feel better almost immediately. In many patients, this initial increase in symptoms is also absent and the patient feels better from the first dose. If there is an extreme aggravation of any kind, it indicates an incorrect selection of the remedy and the doctor should check your history and reevaluate your case.

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