Do only women have cellulite?
Health Fitness

Do only women have cellulite?

While many people associate cellulite with being overweight or obese, the truth is that men and women can get cellulite even if they are not overweight. Cellulite is distinguished by an irregular appearance on the skin; in fact, many people like the cottage cheese look of cellulite. Cellulite is actually caused by pockets of fat that lie just below the surface of the skin. As these pockets of fat get larger, they take up more space than the surrounding tissues, resulting in the familiar appearance of dimples on our thighs, tummy, and buttocks.

Cellulite can cause many problems with self-image and self-esteem, causing women (and some men) to avoid bathing suits, shorts, and other revealing attire, even in the hottest climates. Losing weight is not always a solution to the problem of cellulite, even after those extra pounds have been lost, cellulite can remain. In fact, cellulite is stubbornly resistant to weight loss, and skinny men and women still find they have problems with cellulite.

Cellulite affects the way we look, the way we dress, and even the way we feel about ourselves. That is why it is so important that anyone with a cellulite problem seeks a solution as soon as possible. There are a number of creams and wraps on the market today, but for me there is only one cream that I would recommend and it is called Dermology Cellulite Cream. This special cream is designed to smooth the appearance of cottage cheese thighs, dimpled belly fat, and other unsightly cellulite deposits. Dermology Cellulite Cream combined with regular light exercise and a healthy natural diet helps me keep that unsightly cellulite at bay.

Dermology Cellulite Cream uses all natural ingredients that are easy for the skin to absorb. Men and women can simply rub the cream into the affected areas and let it work. The ingredients in Dermology Cellulite Cream are designed to be easily absorbed into the skin, helping to break down those stubborn fat deposits and remove them. As bothersome cellulite is eliminated, the skin will take on a more youthful appearance, a firmer tone and a more even complexion.

There are other ways to deal with a cellulite problem, including liposuction and spot reduction surgery. While these solutions can be effective, they can also be quite expensive and potentially dangerous. Also, many men and women find that the cellulite in those problem areas begins to return almost immediately, requiring expensive and lengthy treatments to keep the cellulite at bay.

But luckily, there are also other ways to reduce cellulite easily and naturally. Dry brushing is an effective natural home treatment for cellulite, diet and exercise play a key role in fighting cellulite, and massage is one of the best and most enjoyable cellulite treatments. Manual lymphatic drainage massage and aromatherapy massage are some of the most effective anti-cellulite massage treatments available today.

Use dry brushing to reduce cellulite

Dry brushing is believed to stimulate circulation, remove layers of dead skin and improve skin texture, stimulate the lymphatic system, and remove toxins from the body. A malfunctioning lymphatic system is believed to be one of the main causes of cellulite, and regular dry brushing is one of the easiest ways to stimulate lymphatic flow.

There are a wide variety of brushes on the market, but a soft natural fiber brush is the best option. Always use the brush on the dry body before showering. Start at the feet and brush towards the collarbone area in long strokes. Always brush from the extremities towards the clavicle. After brushing the legs, brush the arms from the tips of the fingers toward the clavicle. You can brush your entire body, including your back and stomach, but use circular motions on your stomach and gently brush the most sensitive parts of your body. For best results, it’s important to brush daily.

Diet and exercise tips to reduce cellulite

The good news is that you don’t need a special anti-cellulite diet. Just making some very simple changes to your daily diet can help. Some foods and drinks to avoid are junk food, salty foods and snacks, coffee, and alcohol. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of water.

Exercise burns calories and stimulates the lymphatic system, and regular exercise is one of the best ways to reduce cellulite. Choosing the right form of exercise doesn’t have to be complicated. Choose the type of exercise that you like best. Swimming, jogging, biking, or even walking can help, but the key is to exercise regularly: every day if you can, but at least several times a week.

Cellulite massage treatments

Two of the best anti-cellulite massage treatments are manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) and aromatherapy. Manual lymphatic drainage is a gentle technique that increases lymphatic flow and since a sluggish lymphatic system can lead to the appearance of cellulite, MLD is one of the best massage techniques to reduce and prevent cellulite. Usually a course of treatments is required.

Aromatherapy can be an excellent natural remedy for cellulite. Several essential oils have detoxifying properties and can be used in an anti-cellulite massage. Many qualified aromatherapists offer a special form of lymphatic massage that is excellent for reducing cellulite. Massaging the affected areas at home every day can also help reduce cellulite.

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