Arts Entertainments

Do you know the difference between your throat voice and your chest voice?

When most people speak, they boost their voice through their larynx and throat. To a lesser extent, the mouth and nasal cavities also act as resonators, assisting in the production of sonic sound. And of course you probably think this is normal. It may be normal for you but, in truth, there is a resonator missing from this image.

That fifth resonator is your chest cavity. Those who use this, the largest of the resonators, as their main soundboard include many radio and television stations (although by no means all are doing it!) And many actors, such as George Clooney, Kathleen Turner, Julia Ormond and James Earl Jones, to name a few.

The difference in sound between the actors I just mentioned and those who do not enhance their voice in this way can be staggering. When working with clients, I always ask them to switch between their “throat” sound and their “chest” sound. It’s one of the easiest ways for them not only to hear your “real” voice, but to see and feel it as well.

  • By means of sound, the difference between the two is resonance. The voice driven by the thoracic cavity is deeper, richer, warmer and with a more mature sound.
  • Through touch, the difference is the perceptible vibrations you feel in your chest when you speak in your “real” voice.
  • By means of the image, some can see the difference, and I can also see it in many cases when they push hard from the throat.

What’s so fascinating about your ‘real’ voice is that when you find it, it feels better, it sounds better, and it’s easier on your throat and vocal cords because you have immediately taken the pressure, the tension, the work out of your body. . larynx and throat. And, if you suffer vocal abuse, the abuse will end.

Your ‘real’ voice also requires less energy to produce and can be increased in volume without yelling. This is called projection, and it works much better at soccer games or when you’re tempted to yell at your kids. I cannot tell you how many people damage the larynx and throat due to unnecessary wear and tear on those delicate organs. Another great benefit of screening is that it won’t hurt your listeners’ ears.

Your voice can be as good (or even better) than Sean Connery or Kate Beckinsale; But you’ll never know how cool it is until you make your chest cavity your primary sounding board.

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