Do you need to write a book to be considered an expert real estate mentor?
Legal Law

Do you need to write a book to be considered an expert real estate mentor?

If you have even considered becoming an expert in your field, in this case, a real estate agent advises you, there is no doubt that you have thought about writing a book, and if you took that thought to fruition and wrote and published one, great for you This article is not for you. For the rest of you wondering if you need to write a book to achieve that acclaimed expert status, the answer is yes. You need to write a book somehow. Now wait a minute, before you close your computer screen or crumple this paper up and throw it in the bin, give me five minutes to redeem myself. You will not regret.

It’s true that you really need to write a book to achieve a certain level of expert status. However, that doesn’t mean you should write a 500-page book, pay for the illustrations and formatting, and then spend an enormous amount of time trying to get it published, or shell out a lot of money to publish it yourself. You could write a “short” book and “publish” it for free. Will your mother-in-law be so impressed when she finds out that you’re a published author but she can’t have a hard copy to put on the living room shelf? Well I won’t lie no she won’t but it’s still a great tool for people who are interested in what you have to offer to know what you’re made of and that’s an asset that will make you money.

If you haven’t already guessed, I’m talking about writing an e-book. E-books are the trendy little sister of the white paper (if you don’t know what that is, don’t worry, read on). You can write a 15-30 page ebook (not that it can’t be shorter or longer), buy some cheap but great graphics online for a dollar or so a piece, add a common law copyright, print it as a pdf and voila

You have to give up the hard copy to mail it to the family, but you save an enormous amount of time trying to find a publisher or the likely thousands of dollars you would incur if you published it yourself, and you have a portable document full of of valuable information. information you can share with real estate agents looking for solutions. Depending on your marketing plan, you may choose to sell your ebook or give it away, but either way it’s a great way to share information, build trust, and drive customers and prospects to get more advice from you.

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