Do you want hot buns for Easter?  Here’s an easy leg workout to get you in shape fast!

Do you want hot buns for Easter? Here’s an easy leg workout to get you in shape fast!

Do you want nice legs? Legs that attract attention? Legs that don’t require tights to look good? Well, is it easier than you think?

Follow my easy leg and bun burner to get you in shape fast!

My favorite exercise to get a shapely buttocks and thighs is the squat. Squats are the best exercise to shape not only the butt, but also the thighs. I personally love squats and when done correctly they can result in shapely legs and a tight toned butt.

The problem with them is that if not done correctly, they can lead to knee injuries, which in some cases can permanently hinder our exercise program.

Proper form and technique is imperative when learning to squat and always start slowly and if possible look at your side profile in a full length mirror while sitting in a chair positioned behind you. This will keep your weight back and down and stop your knees. shooting on the toes.

When performing squats, it’s important to stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. You must maintain this upright posture throughout the entire squat.

The main thing to remember when performing squats is never to let your knees go past your toes; You should always be able to see your toes. The best way to describe this is to slightly bend your knees, then pretend you’re sitting on a public toilet seat and don’t want to touch the seat (I know you’ve all done this so think about this and visualize while squatting) just push her butt back and down at the same time.

Starting from a standing position, you should slowly squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold this position for 3 seconds on the way back, tightening your butt muscles and keeping your abs tight throughout the movement.

Then push up through your heels to the starting position, you can keep your arms out in front for balance.

The key to this exercise is to go slow. The slower you squat down and the slower you rise back up, the more your muscles will work. The 3 second pause in the middle is also important. Start by doing 15 of these squats four days a week. Add another set of 10 squats at 15 for the next four weeks, so by week 4 you should be doing 2 sets, one 15 rep followed by one 10 rep set four days a week.

Once you’ve got this down, add some 2-4kg dumbbell weights to your shoulders, which will give you some extra resistance and work your abs.

At this point you may need to add an additional set to start higher with the first set at 20 and work your way down.

Another great way to get a great ab workout at the same time is to hold a dumbbell on the horizontal end at eye level, not overhead but forward and in a squat.

There are many variations of the squat – you can use a step and do side squats – place one foot up on the first step and squat back maintaining the same form as the standard squat.

This can also be done with a knee raise for added resistance, so you simply squat down and raise your left knee, doing 10 on each leg after your standard set of squats.

You’ll notice a significant difference in your butt after four weeks of these exercises, and best of all, they’ll only take a few minutes of your time.

If you really want to make a significant difference in this area, it’s a good idea to choose an exercise like swimming, running, biking, gym classes, boot camps, etc.

If you can try to do intensive cardiovascular exercise every day, this will ensure that your heart is pumping and in turn, it will start the fat burning process and you will soon see those tight buns.

Yours in health and fitness

charlotte parker

Gold Coast Certified Personal Trainer

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