Lifestyle Fashion

Does potato starch feed candida?

When using the diet, there are many foods to avoid if you want to get rid of the Candida fungus. Many people want to know if potato starch feeds Candida.

Does potato starch feed Candida? The answer is yes, it is, and all starchy foods should be avoided. Starch turns into sugar when the body metabolizes it. The fungus grows and thrives on yeast and sugar. The more carbohydrates, sugar, and yeast you eat into your body, the longer the infection and fungus will live in your body.

It is important to maintain a diet that contains at least 60% high-fiber, low-starch vegetables. This includes green leafy vegetables, as they help cleanse the colon and intestinal tract. Vegetables like broccoli, asparagus, and lettuce should be a daily part of your diet.

Foods such as bread, alcohol, pasta, and other foods high in sugar, yeast, and carbohydrates should be avoided. This includes candied and dried fruits, as well as cured and dried meats. You will need to drink plenty of water as it helps flush unwanted and unnecessary toxins and fungi from the body.

So does potato starch feed Candida? Yes it does, and you need to avoid all kinds of starch if you really want to get rid of fungus on your body. Over-the-counter medications can help cure a local yeast infection, however the fungus is still on your body and needs to be treated if you really want to stop excessive growth and future breakouts.

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