Legal Law

Don’t judge a man

Our world is full of bad tongues, fault-finders, gossipers, scoffers, and insulters! But do these groups of individuals qualify to judge a man for his faults, mistakes and defects committed in his life? Are these negative and toxic people who were honored in human history for judging their siblings, friends, relatives, and neighbors to be stupid? How can we deal with these groups of certain difficult people?

I encourage you, dear readers, to read this article and you will surely be blessed!

When I was a child and until now, I am always sure to come across gossip, fault-finders, gossipers, scoffers, and insulters in groups of individuals. Through the curiosity of this little computer of mine, I began to dig, read and search the profiles and writings of the great sages of the world, to discover if these groups of toxic and negative individuals received honor in the history of mankind. . Through my research, dear readers, I discovered and discovered that a statue has never, never been erected in honor of a critic.

Teddy Roosevelt, the late great president of America once said, in the battle of life, it is not the critic who counts; nor the one who points out how the strong stumbled, or where the one who worked could have done better.

The credit belongs to the person who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust, sweat and blood, who fights bravely; who errs and falls short again and again, because there is no effort without error and defect; who really lives to do works; who knows great enthusiasm, great devotion, dedicates himself to a worthy cause; who, in the best of cases, knows in the end the triumph of great achievements; and who in the worst case, if he fails, at least fails even if he dares a lot.

It is much better to dare to powerful things, to obtain glorious triumphs even if they are marked by failure, than to align with those shy spirits who do not enjoy or suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.

I discovered that before a great achievement is made in reality, it is believed in the heart. If you need to hear the applause of the crowd, you must begin your attack in the face of criticism, believing that the applause will come later.

My dear readers, if you are the victims of this group of negative and toxic people, I advised and encouraged you, go ahead and stand up like the statue of liberty of America to confront, remind and respond to them with these words. …

Don’t judge a man by the clothes he wears. God made one, the tailor made the other.

Don’t judge a man by his family relationships, Cain belonged to the best family.

Do not judge a man by his speech, a parrot can speak. The tongue is nothing more than an instrument of sound.

Don’t judge a man for his failures in life. More than one man has failed whom God exalted to the highest.

Don’t hit a man when he’s down. Raise it up. You yourself may one day be depressed and need a helping hand!

People remember this; No one will feel inferior to you without your consent!

Therefore do not be afraid or dismayed; Be strong and courageous, for this is what the Lord our God will do with all your enemies against whom you fight! (Joshua 10:25). What you must do is call him and God promised that He will answer you and show you the great and powerful things that you do not know (Jeremiah 33: 3).

Finally, dear readers, ponder and think about this: it is better to be a lion for a day than to be a sheep for a lifetime!

I wish you many blessings and may God bless you!

Moisés P. Reconalla

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