Do’s and Don’ts for Parents to Wet the Bed

Do’s and Don’ts for Parents to Wet the Bed

There are many pros and cons that parents need to be aware of when it comes to their children wetting the bed. Let’s take a look at the do’s and don’ts of this common childhood problem.

First, talk to your child’s pediatrician at the first sign that bedwetting has become a problem. Never hide this kind of information from the doctor, as he or she can be a wealth of information, advice, and can also serve to put your and your child’s mind at ease.

Explain to your anxious or frightened child what is happening regarding his bedwetting situation and be open and honest with any questions your child may have.

If you wet the bed as a child, share your experience with your child so they feel less alone. It is comforting to know that someone you love once experienced what you are currently going through.

Educate yourself as best you can about your child’s bedwetting. There is a lot of information to be found on the internet, plus your local library should have some books too. Also talk to his doctor and he may be able to direct you to a support group. The more armed you are with the information, the better you will feel to deal with the situation.

Remain as patient and calm as possible under difficult circumstances. You are upset enough about the situation, just think about how your child must feel.

Be understanding and supportive of your child who wets the bed. He is likely to feel a lot of embarrassment, self-ridicule, and fear over his bed-wetting problem. He tries to defuse the situation as best he can.

Reward your child for consistently dry nights. Consistent foundation is very important. Being inconsistent in parenting in any one area will not get you very far and accomplishes little.

Do everything you can to make your child feel as comfortable and safe as possible (both physically and emotionally). For example, you can suggest that your child wear thicker underwear or pajamas to bed at night.

Try as many different kinds of treatments as possible for your child until you find one that works.

Make an honest attempt to change your child’s habits that may be contributing to the problem, such as drinking fluids just before bedtime or consuming too much caffeine.

Do not criticize your child or make him feel ashamed to wet the bed. He probably already feels bad enough without you making him feel worse.

Don’t blame your child for his condition. This can tremendously damage her vulnerable self-esteem.

Don’t scold or punish your child for wetting the bed. He is not deliberately doing it to be mean and no one reflects negatively on his parenting skills.

Don’t prohibit your child from spending the night at a friend’s house or going camping because of his condition. Instead, encourage him to indulge in the activities he enjoys and take steps to end bedwetting for good.

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