DUI Laws – Don’t Get Caught Driving Under the Influence!
Legal Law

DUI Laws – Don’t Get Caught Driving Under the Influence!

There are many things that tend to scare a man during the progress of his life, mice, spiders, mowing the lawn, missing a tailgate party… but all of these incidences pale in comparison to being caught driving under the influence! of alcohol!

Unlike mowing the lawn so you can pay your little brother-in-law to do it for you, getting arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol comes with a major lifestyle adjustment, none of which are pleasant, especially on the job. current economy.

Depending on the state in which you were caught contaminating taxpayer money on their highway, the minimum penalty you will likely face is a license suspension, ranging from 6 to 12 months for a first offense.

Add to that the possibility of being prosecuted as a criminal and you have a record that cannot be expunged and that will be available to all potential future employers!

I’m digressing

You only have to read horror stories elsewhere on the internet about drunk driving stories, to realize that it is not a crime you want to get caught with.

In case you didn’t know, most drunk driving offenses are considered a felony, and law enforcement doesn’t take this type of offense kindly!

No self-respecting cop who catches you for drunk driving, courtesy of multiple hiccups and slurred speech, will let you off easy, not when overtime doesn’t exist in this profession anyway!

Want to know how the cops know the driver behind the wheel they’re following is under the influence? Well, my friend who has been around this type of situation tells me that drunk drivers tend to drive well below the speed limit on state highways they may be driving on.

Go figure! So, in essence, drunk drivers need to drive faster to avoid suspicion.

Who would have thought?

Unlike NBC’s Catch a Predator, which has national television notoriety, getting arrested for drunk driving has none of these perks, short of a night out for a brief stay on a concrete slab in some random compound somewhere. from the center.

The law is definitely not lenient on drunk driving offenses, and dui law attorneys, if you can find one sober enough to get you out of the slammer before dawn, will be happy to charge you an arm and a leg. leg, and then something else. , only to complete his signature, testify that he represents him, and then take him to his repentant spouse, where he would have to explain why he returned home at dawn instead of before midnight, as is his usual MO.

Obviously, if you’re a teetotaler, none of this makes sense to you, but for those searching the internet right now for DUI remedy, take heart, we’ve got all the resources you need to get out of jail, free of charge. $200 like you would in monopoly game!

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