
Easy way to lose fat: don’t overlook walking

When you think of an easy way to lose fat in any exercise routine, you’re probably thinking “why bother?” Because whether it’s lifting weights, running, walking on a treadmill, or maybe an aerobics class, it has a reputation for being nearly impossible. You’re probably of the opinion that only world-class athletes can run mile after mile or beat an hour-long aerobics class, so why bother? It all depends on what your end goal is. Do you want to set records, compete in a marathon, or are you just looking for an easy way to lose fat and drop a few pounds?

But you don’t really need to worry about what others may be trying to accomplish in your exercise routine. What you need is a plan that works for you, that you feel comfortable with, that you will stick with and excel at. And when looking for an easy way to lose fat, even minimal exercise is better than none. And one of the easiest yet most overlooked exercises and an easy way to lose fat, walking.

Walking is very easy, you have been doing it since the day you were born. And walking has many benefits. And you can do it anywhere, around your home addition, the apartment complex, the park, the mall, just about anywhere. And getting out of the house and doing something positive is uplifting. And if your walk takes you outside, say around the neighborhood, you’ll have the added benefit of a little vitamin D from the sun and some fresh air.

Set small goals. If you’re really out of shape, try walking around the block. Do that for a few days. Then go around the block twice and so on. Try a little harder each time. Set your goal based on benchmarks. Keep track of how long it takes you to get to a certain place, and then try to beat your best time, even if it’s just by a few seconds. Increase at a pace you feel comfortable with. Then try walking a little faster, again at your own pace.

And here’s a little benefit of walking that most people don’t realize. If you walk two miles and it takes you 45 minutes and a runner runs the same two miles in 20 minutes, keep this in mind. You are exercising for a longer period of time, 25 more minutes. It’s 25 minutes of burning calories and fat. When looking for an easy way to lose fat, it’s not always about the intensity. Do what you can.

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