Effective home literacy activities for your children

Effective home literacy activities for your children

Parents are often involved in focusing on their preschool children, but still need to remain involved in supporting their children’s writing and reading development from elementary through high school. They must continually guide their children through literacy activities at home in addition to supporting their learning at school.

Effective home literacy activities include the following:

Read stories aloud to children.

Read with children and listen to them as they read

Ask your children what topics they are learning in school

Provide reading materials such as books and magazines at home.

Creating ways for children to read selected books independently.

Supervise your children when they do their homework and assignments

Take the children to libraries and consult books and some multimedia materials.

Give magazines, educational comics and magazines as a gift.

Providing them with the time, opportunity, and materials they need to learn and write at home.

Have a seat discussion about the books they are currently reading

Emphasize the importance of literacy and the essence of educational achievement.

There are teachers who are working with older students and tend to expand parent-teacher partnerships simply by showing them how to discuss the books their children are currently reading, give feedback and responses to the writings they have written, and monitor them. when they do and complete their homework and assignments.

Teachers have already developed many creative and effective home literacy activities for students that provide opportunities for parents, along with their children, to read and write.

They should practice reading and writing online as computers have already been a part of daily life, and it is really effective for parents and children to surf and search the Internet for information, read educational articles that are posted on websites , play with words and literacy. games and familiarize your children with email and instant messaging technology.

Parents should also be encouraged to read aloud to children every day, and have effective reading aloud demonstrated and supported through the use of interactive materials. They must know how to select appropriate books and apply styles and techniques to make their children more engaged and connected. with books, such as asking questions, discussing the pictures, and making predictions.

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