
Embrace your energy provider

Like most of you, I run a business and am always looking for a way to sell more of my service or save money. I make sure to itemize everything for taxes and I probably like you and eagerly await my tax returns. Especially during the years when I suffer losses.

So of course when the energy regulations were opened so that we could choose who to buy power and gas from … I started buying my electricity from a popular energy supplier. We save a huge amount of money … somewhere from 30 to 35%. That was just for our residential needs.

A salesperson literally knocked on my door and showed me the difference between what that company could offer compared to what I was paying and we were very grateful … as if he really thought about hugging the boy because it was much less expensive, but not is a warning to this. With this power provider, our power package was limited to one or two years. So after that time, they increased the price of our energy even beyond the normal rate. If you don’t pay attention after switching energy supplier … they will trick you and attack you and while you think you are getting a cheaper price for energy and gas … in a couple of years your price actually increases more than you expect. they were originally paying. Most people don’t realize this about switching energy providers.

So, as a business owner, I wanted to know if I could lower my business’s energy and gas rates. My normal daily business is online marketing. I market products and services online. So in my research I found a company that not only offers cheap energy and gas, but what they do is create competition by showing around ten different quotes for their energy needs, including the amount of time their deal lasts and a consultant who communicates with you in a timely manner to make sure your rates are as affordable as possible. You can choose who gives you the least expensive gas and power. So due to this competition, my energy rates for my business are as low as they can be.

I know that many companies have switched energy providers, but have you seen different energy rates from several different companies willing to compete for your business?

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