Exercise to lose weight: what really works

Exercise to lose weight: what really works

You can boost your weight loss by increasing the amount of exercise you get throughout the day. This doesn’t mean you have to join a gym or run a 5K every other day. What it does mean is that you need to increase the amount of productive movement you engage in each day.

Walking is a great form of exercise, with little impact on the joints. You can further improve your health and weight loss by walking 20 minutes a day at least three days a week. However, you can also increase your movement patterns by taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking around the block during your lunch break, walking in place while waiting for the copier to print your work, and walking around the block afterward. to have breakfast and dinner at home.

To boost your motivation, ask a friend to join you for a walk-and-talk date where you can catch up on local gossip while you work out. You’ll find that walking with a friend where you can have a nice conversation will help the miles go by faster and with less effort than walking alone. If you need more motivation to start a walking program, join a walking club in your hometown. You can often find these types of clubs online. Joining a club will not only motivate you to walk regularly, it will also give you moral support.

Other fun forms of exercise include swimming, biking, belly dancing, yoga, tai chi, or even fencing. Find some exercises or sports that you enjoy and combine them during the week. To keep things interesting, don’t do the same thing every day. Have fun and try new sports and activities. Keep your body guessing what you are going to do next.

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