Family Guide to Stop Cyber ​​Bullying
Legal Law

Family Guide to Stop Cyber ​​Bullying

Cyberbullying is a growing problem among children and adolescents. Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using cell phones, computers, and tablets, as well as communication tools including social networking sites, text messages, chat, and websites. Here are our top tips for families to stop cyberbullying.

1. Tell an adult

Children should not be afraid to tell a parent, teacher, or police officer if they are or have been cyberbullied. It is important that the child feels comfortable reporting any messages that are harassing or threatening.

2. Anti-Bullying Program

Many schools already have anti-bullying programs, but if your school doesn’t, parents should insist that one be implemented. Anti-bullying programs provide children with a safe environment and the knowledge of what to do if they ever encounter a bully. The programs address all types of bullying and solutions.

3. Laws and Compliance

If your school does not already have a relationship with local legal agencies, you should consider establishing a relationship. Legal agencies can help enforce cyber bullying.

4. Parental awareness

Parents should be on the lookout for signs that their child is being cyberbullied. Signs of cyberbullying include, but are not limited to, not wanting to go to school, acting depressed, having nightmares, or losing interest in computers.

5. Bullying awareness

Parents should communicate with their children about bullying and cyberbullying. Parents should also encourage their children to come forward if they are ever bullied.

6. Computer Time

Parents may not be able to monitor all of their children’s Internet activity, but it can be helpful to keep computers used by children in common areas of the home.

7. Save evidence

If your child is being bullied, it is extremely important to record all Internet activity, including emails, chats, instant messages, and web pages sent or posted by the bullies. This information can be used as evidence against the harasser.

8. Don’t respond to bullies

It is our natural reaction to respond to a bully, but parents should educate their children not to respond to bullies. Parents should explain to their children how important it is not to respond to a bully. If a child responds with a threat, it can be used against them.

9. Private Information

Parents should educate their children not to give out any private information online. This information includes, full names, addresses, phone numbers, passwords, etc. Children should not post anything they do not want to be made public.

10. Submit Complaint

Parents should file complaints with the internet service provider or website if their child is being bullied. Cyberbullying is against most services’ “terms of use” and violators can be prosecuted in some cases.

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