Health Fitness

Fat Burning Foods – Fast Fat Burning Foods!

So what is a fat burning food?

A fat-burning food is a type of food that contains a combination of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that is used to promote fat-burning hormones within your body.

These foods help speed up your metabolism.

This is important because your metabolism is your “fat burning engine” that you will use as a weapon to shed fat. The higher your metabolism, the more calories and fat you’ll burn over a 24-hour period, and the closer you’ll be to reaching your weight loss goals.

The good thing about these fat burning foods is that they have a high “thermogenic effect”, which means that the body has to use energy to digest the food. Now, although all foods have some level of thermogenic effect, certain foods, including the fat burners I’ll give you, have a greater effect than others.

Fat burning foods are clinically proven to promote weight loss. Now for the list of great fat burning foods!

Fat Burning Foods n. 1Walnuts

Walnuts are full of healthy fats and have protein and magnesium for muscle building!

Walnuts are a great fat burning food! Many people will advise you to stay away from nuts because they are high in fat. That’s only half true, walnuts are high in fat, but high in good fats!

They are packed with healthy monounsaturated fats and are a great source of protein and fiber that help you feel full and can help stop cravings for more food. Monounsaturated fats even help clean your arteries for a healthy and pleasant heart.

Almonds are by far the king of all nuts. A good handful of almonds provides you with 19 percent of your daily requirement for magnesium, which is a key component for building nice, strong muscles.

Almonds also provide you with half your daily amount of vitamin E. Walnuts also contain no sugar, so there is no need to worry about your insulin response.

Warning: Don’t buy canned salted or mixed nuts because they are not good for you and are high in sodium. High sodium content equals high blood pressure!

Two handfuls of nuts a day (about 24 of them) is a great way to eat to keep you full, a good source of vitamin E, helps keep your heart healthy, and is also packed with protein and magnesium to help build muscle.

Fat burning foods # 2Eggs

Now I know what you think … Eggs are high in cholesterol and fat!

Now wait a second, eggs have gotten a bad rap over the years for being famous in many fast food dishes and being cooked in hydrogenated oils, which is definitely not good for you.

Eggs raise cholesterol, but raise levels of HDL cholesterol, which is good cholesterol. Eggs do not increase LDL cholesterol, which is bad cholesterol.

In addition, it was found that most of the cholesterol in the blood comes from the body from dietary fat, not dietary cholesterol.

Eggs are not only a great fat burning food, but they also contain Omega 3 fatty acids that help promote overall health and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and also reduce the risk of blood clots.

The most important reason you should eat eggs for the fat burning engine is because it is packed with protein and contains vitamin B12, which is essential for the breakdown of fats!

The protein found in eggs has the highest “biological value” of protein. All of that means that the protein in eggs is more effective at building muscle than other sources, including lean red meat and milk.

An advice– Eat the yolk sometimes, not just the whites. The reason is that one of the main antioxidants found in the yolk is lutein.

It can be found in green leafy vegetables like spinach and helps slow down the thickening of the arteries, which can lead to heart disease over time.

Fat burning foods # 3Green vegetables

Mom always used to say “eat your green vegetables” and she was right!

Green vegetables are an excellent fat-burning food. They produce the effect of negative calories, which means that more calories are needed to digest vegetables than they contain.

Green vegetables also produce the “thermogenic effect” that I talked about earlier. All it means is that it creates an increase in metabolic rate based on the amount of heat generated during the digestion process.

This makes green veggies one of the top fat burning foods! But this is not all they have to offer.

Spinach it is probably the best green vegetable. It contains nearly a full day’s worth of vitamin A and half the vitamin C. Spinach also has folic acid and protects against colon cancer, stroke, and heart disease!

Broccoli it is perhaps one of my favorite vegetables. It is high in fiber and packed with minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.

Broccoli increases enzymes that help detoxify carcinogens, which helps fight cancer.

An advice: When ordering your veggies at a restaurant, be sure to ask the waiter not to dip them in butter. Most restaurants put butter on them and that greatly defeats the purpose of eating healthy and trying to burn fat, doesn’t it?

Fat Burning Food # 4Berries

Finally something sweet for you to eat! You can put berries in your oatmeal during your morning breakfast or even add them to a low-fat yogurt.

Berries are definitely a great fat burning food and even help fight obesity.

They have a large amount of vitamins, antioxidants and fiber that help regulate the absorption and digestion of sugars and carbohydrates. This is great news because that doesn’t cause a blood sugar spike or an insulin spike that causes your body to store fat.

Don’t forget that fiber also helps keep you full and a cup of berries contains a whopping 6 grams of fiber!

An advice: When picking berries, look at the bottom of the box … if you see berry juice, walk away because that means the berries will spoil soon. Oh, and Captain Crunch berries don’t count as healthy berries in case you were wondering 🙂

Fat burning foods # 5Lean meats

Finally all meat lovers can rejoice! Lean meats are extremely important in any fat-burning diet. Contains high-quality protein that reduces cravings and helps build muscle and repair cells, which is vital to promoting a lean physique.

Protein has a high “thermogenic effect” and burns a lot of calories trying to break down protein and use it for energy. Lean meats to focus on are chicken, turkey, and fish.

These are the best lean meats. Choose white meat instead of dark meat when eating poultry and the best fish to eat is salmon or tuna because they are full of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, which decrease the amount of leptin in your body.

Leptin affects metabolism because the higher the leptin levels in your body, the more fat your body stores.

An advice: I know a lot of you like red meat and you love to eat steak, which is fine. But the steak is high in saturated fat, and there are leaner cuts than others, so be sure to pay attention. Always look far away. New York strips and sirloin are less fatty than T-bones, prime rib, and porterhouse steak. If you’re looking for pork, stick with cured ham, lean pork chops, and tenderloin.

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