Feng Shui Tips for Your Home Office

Feng Shui Tips for Your Home Office

Did you know that more than 50% of women now have their own home business or work from home? Get out your compass and find the following directions because we are going to try to make things work a little better for you using the ancient art of object placement: Feng Shui.

The most ideal locations for a home office, in order from best to second, third, and fourth best, are North (career sector), Southwest (wealth sector), Northeast (skills and talents sector), or the south (the sector of fame and recognition). If possible, try to locate your home office in one of those locations.

Here are some other general tips that are believed to bring prosperity to your business.

Always sit with a solid wall behind your back to ensure you have support in your life. Never sit with a window behind you.

In the office, always place the fax machine, telephone, and computers in the southeast wealth sector, as this will attract more contacts.

Position your desk so you have a clear view of the door. If this is not possible, hang a small mirror so that you can easily see the reflection of the door.

Don’t put a shelf on your desk. This symbolizes the burdens that the world is crashing down on you at any moment. The heavy shelf also symbolizes burdens and difficulties.

Avoid having sharp accessories, such as a paper cutter or the corner of a Xerox machine, pointed at your desk. It is shar chi that symbolizes the edge of a sharp knife or a finger pointing disapprovingly at you.

Make sure you can walk all the way around your desk in a full circle. This ensures that colleagues or workload do not overwhelm you. You must have room to breathe!

Do not have clutter in your office. Desks should be kept neat and free of clutter. Avoid placing In and Out trays on your desk. Try to keep what is in use on your desktop.

If you own an NCR or cash, try putting that in your southeast wealth corner as well.

Avoid placing cacti in your office as the needles of these plants are believed to create negative shar chi. Shar or sha chi is stagnant or harmful energy.

In your office, never let the front door open onto your desk, as this leaves you with unexpected situations to deal with. Never have a door jammed against your desk, or your prosperity will always be locked.

Do not place your desk in a room so that it is between two doors because this causes the chi to rush and pass you along with all your good fortune. In other words, good energy goes in one door, past you, and out the back door!

Never place your desk at the top of a staircase, as the chi will roll down the stairs, causing you to miss out on opportunities and wealth. If this is unavoidable, place a mirror above the front door facing in and facing the stairwell.

If people entering your business are immediately faced with a wall and a long hallway, try placing a hanging crystal in this area to allow good chi to build up. Also place mirrors here to direct chi into your office.

Do not place large electrical equipment, such as photocopiers or microwaves, near the front door. These are considered “hot” elements that cause energy to dissipate. Heat causes dispersion of good chi.

Do not place paper cutters, fax machines, or any bladed machines next to the front door. The “cutting” energy can make staff and customers unpleasant and even possibly backstab and fight each other.

Don’t place an empty vase next to the front door, as empty containers suck good chi when trying to get into your workplace. If you have a vase, make sure it’s filled with flowers!

If you have candles in your office, light the wicks to make sure they’re burning, even if you don’t plan on lighting the candle. An unlit candle is bad feng shui as it represents the limitations of possibility.

Place a fish tank or fish pond in the southwest corner of your office. If this is not possible, consider building a Koi pond in the southwest area outside your building.

To enhance your wealth and prosperity, place your indoor water feature in the southeast element of your home or office. For career luck, place it in the north. A tabletop fountain made of bamboo or flat, round stones is always good for this purpose.

If you have a company sign or logo, it should be optimally placed in the southeast area, south area, or north area of ​​your home office.

May the wind and water fill you with many blessings!

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