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Garden apartments

This residential apartment is located on a landscaped property that is at ground level. This term loosely describes any apartment on the first floor. It also includes an apartment in the basement or in a tall building. If it is a real garden apartment, there will be no home or apartment above it. They are distributed horizontally in an open courtyard. You can find these apartments all over the world.

Such an apartment will have one or two bedrooms, but you can find some that have three or more bedrooms, especially if they are used as a vacation apartment. The more rooms there are, the more people they can accommodate when they are on vacation and rent the apartment. If it is an apartment that is rented long-term, it is usually unfurnished. If the apartment is rented weekly or monthly for holidays, it will be furnished. Garden apartments can also have one or two floors. The common area can include outdoor amenities such as a swimming pool, tennis or basketball courts, a spa, or a clubhouse. The entrance to the apartment can be from the patio or from the street.

The owners of the garden apartments are responsible for the maintenance of the outside area with the cut grass, the cleaning of any outside equipment, the cleaning of the pool without leaves and other debris, etc. Many homeowners will plant the area with well-groomed trees and floors. If it is an apartment complex and you have a pet, you should find out if there is a special area for dogs. Make sure to clean up your dog’s waste after you’ve finished your job. Your garden apartment may have a small patio or patio. If your garden apartment has either of these two amenities, it would be a good place to invite family and friends for a barbecue.

Each garden apartment is a separate domestic unit, but all tenants share the amenities, such as a pool or exercise room and the main outdoor grounds. The apartments have their own controls for heating and air conditioning and bathroom and kitchen. In some places, it can be called a garden apartment without a lift because it has an outside staircase. With garden apartment complexes offering premium amenities like a weight and exercise room or sauna, they may be charged an additional monthly fee to help with maintenance and have a key to allow them to enter these facilities. By having a key, you prevent those who choose not to pay the additional fee from using these premium facilities. Some may even have a guest laundry. Renting a garden apartment would be very similar to a normal apartment, but it depends on the location and amenities.

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