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Gnomes: real or imaginary?

Real or imaginary?

Have you ever been in your garden and out of the corner of your eye saw a small figure running across the lawn? The next look, it’s gone! Was it real or was it our imagination running with us? Or it was a gnome crossing the yard so you wouldn’t see it!

So has anyone caught a gnome?

Gnomes originated in the 4th or 5th century in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. They were portrayed as shy creatures who avoided human contact and who frequented the forests. They later became “garden gnomes” and it was thought that they would all gather in gardens and fields to tell sad stories.

There are many books and many movies have the little creatures in them.

The Grimm brothers featured them in “The Gnome,” a series of tales detailing the lives of gnomes. It represents them with benevolent and malevolent light.

In the “Harry Potter” movie series, they were pests that lived in the gardens of witches and wizards. They were little creatures with potato-like heads on little stubby bodies. They were considered harmless but very naughty.

In the movie, “The Chronicles of Nardia”, they were called Earthmen who lived in the Underground Land, a series of underground caves. In this movie they had a wide variety of physical characteristics and skin colors. They were used as slaves by the Lady of the Green Kirtle.

The characteristics of a gnome can vary! Average gnomes are believed to be only 3 “-31” inches tall and weigh around 70 pounds. They have intense tanned skin and white hair. The most distinctive feature is its nose. They have very large noses compared to the rest of their body. The average life expectancy is 350 years. They have a sense of humor and love to play pranks on humans.

Many people believe that gnomes are mischievous and mischievous. If you can’t find an item in your house and it appears later, did the gnome hide it? What about the items you never find? Are they hiding in private in a gnome house?

Did you know that in 2002 the Day of the Gnomes was instituted? It is celebrated on June 21 in more than a dozen countries.

So the bottom line is, do you think gnomes are real or just a figment of your imagination? Only you can decide!

Looking for a gnome to put in your garden? check http://www.outdoorcharm.com/gnomes.html

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