
Heart-shaped leaf identification

Leaf shape is an important clue in identifying plants and trees. The heart shape is one of the easiest to recognize. Plants and trees with heart-shaped leaves can be found in the house, garden and in the forest. They can be found in flowering and non-flowering plants, aquatic plants, garden herbs, vegetables, and trees.

1. Flowering plants

Sunflowers can be twelve feet tall. They have giant heads with small flowers that grow together. It is interesting that the sunflower is a heliotrophic plant and follows the sun from east to west as it rises as it sets until it is fully developed.

Morning Glories love the sun! They generally open early in the morning and close late at night. In addition to being an ornamental flower, the seeds of this flower have been used medicinally as laxatives and in religious ceremonies as a hallucinogen. Due to the way it is spread, it can be a nuisance plant.

2. Plants without flowers

Elephant ears; just look at this plant to see how it got its name. Its heart-shaped leaves are large and yes, they do look like elephant ears.

The bloodleaf plant has colorful, purplish or reddish foliage, which is incidentally where it gets its rather strange but descriptive name.

3. Aquatic plants

An aquatic plant has heart-shaped leaves. A couple of examples include the chameleon and the pond lily.

4. Herbs

Herbs are valued plants for reasons other than their use as food. They are mostly used for their taste and aroma, but they can also be used in religious ceremonies or as medicine. Ginger, oregano, and basil are examples of herbs with heart-shaped leaves.

5. Vegetables from the garden

The heart-shaped leaves are present in various vegetables, such as cucumber, green beans, and sweet potato vines.

6. Trees

One of the trees best known for its heart-shaped leaves is the basically small redbud tree with its beautiful purplish-pink flowers in early spring. Other trees with this leaf shape are the mulberry and the catalpa tree.

What better way to communicate with nature than to take a walk in the woods on a breezy summer afternoon? Seeing all the creatures and plant life can be exhilarating, especially if they can be identified. One of the easiest methods of identification is by its leaves and if you are with that special someone who looks at heart shaped leaves it can have a double meaning.

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