Home Treatments for Bacterial Vaginosis

Home Treatments for Bacterial Vaginosis

Most women prefer bacterial vaginosis home treatments to cure this embarrassing condition. When given a choice, more than three-quarters of Americans will choose natural treatment over medication or surgery for all types of conditions. The reason why is understandable: Surgery carries risks and the potential for complications, and medications can have unpleasant side effects. Also, both can be expensive.

Normally, the vagina has a distinctive odor, but this is not unpleasant. When a woman has bacterial vaginosis, the odor is often slightly “off” fishy and there is an accompanying discharge, which can be watery and gray in color. This is because the natural bacteria in the vagina are out of balance. Under normal circumstances, there are two main types of bacteria that inhabit the vagina. Lactobacillus is a “good” bacteria that works to control the “bad” ones called Gardnella and Mycoplasma. These bacteria are finely balanced and the body can control the level of both types.

There are several circumstances that cause the bacteria to be out of balance and bacterial vaginosis to occur. Although not fully understood, it is known that excessive washing can cause bacterial vaginosis, particularly when scented products are used in the vaginal area. Additionally, douching is also a known cause. A new sexual partner can also cause the condition, as they usually don’t feel well. Therefore, it is fair to say that anything which upsets the finely balanced system within the bacteria could be a potential cause.

When the level of Lactobacillus is reduced, Gardnella and Mycoplasma have a chance to overgrow. When this happens, bacterial vaginosis can occur, and doctors often prescribe antibiotics. These antibiotics kill both good and bad bacteria, which has a major drawback. Although this method of treatment will eradicate the condition, once the vagina naturally repopulates itself with bacteria, there are no good bacteria to kill off the bad. This explains why more than 75% of women who use antibiotics for this condition have a recurrence of the infection within a few weeks.

If you prefer not to use antibiotics, you can consider home treatments for bacterial vaginosis. This condition responds very well to natural remedies and if followed correctly, the condition can be eradicated within 3 days.

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