
Honduran cuisine: what is guava and how to use it in your Honduran recipes

In addition to plantain or bananas, this small country is known for its fruit and export capacity. Guava is one of those items that can grow in many different tropical areas, but Honduras produces and grows the best of the field. Although you may have heard of guava, the fruit, you may not know exactly what it is; a guava is a fruit similar to a lemon. There are also many different types of guava and many of them are used in everyday Honduran cuisine.

Guava pulp can be sweet and whitish or even deep pink with seeds and hardness. The thickness of the skin generally depends on the type of guava you have and can be bitter or sweet to taste; again, it all depends on the type of guava you have. Most of the time, in Honduran cuisine, guava is prepared as a dessert, but in some other countries you can dip this raw fruit in plum powder and / or salt.

Guava is also a great fruit for jam or jelly, you can even make jam from it and because it is packed with all kinds of nutritional value, it is a fruit that is in high demand and is great to eat. Guava juice is a drink that is also very popular in Honduran cuisine and can accompany any meal. Asia is known to also make guava tea from the leaves.

Some very authentic Honduran cuisine also includes the use of red guava in their sauces and as a replacement for tomatoes. As you can see, this is a very versatile fruit and can be used in many different ways by humans. Other mammals and birds love this sweet-tasting fruit as well, so when you have a batch of guava available, be sure to keep it out of the way of any animals.

The nutritional aspects of guava are fantastic! Guava is packed with all kinds of vitamins, such as: A and C, omega-3 and -6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (mainly in the seeds that must be chewed to obtain omega fats) and especially high levels of dietary fiber. So not only does this fruit taste absolutely great in all sorts of different ways, it has been affectionately dubbed a ‘super fruit’ for how good it is for you.

Now if you want to include guava in your menu, you must master some of the recipes of Honduran cuisine. You can start with guava jam and soon you will be preparing all kinds of dishes that you probably never imagined doing. You can find the recipe for guava jam here: Honduran Recipes

Go ahead and give it a try and you definitely won’t regret it!

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