Arts Entertainments

How bad boys attract so many beautiful women

Have you ever wondered why this girl you’re in love with is dating a selfish and abusive jerk? You would treat her much better, of course, but still … she completely ignores you. Why?

This mystery annoys almost every kid out there. Most men just can’t figure out what makes women fall in love with the wrong guys … bad guys!

So the question is: Why are so many beautiful women attracted to arrogant, abusive and selfish jerks?

It took me many years until I discovered this, but now I will tell you this secret.

If you want an answer to why and how bad boys attract so many beautiful women, you have to look the other way through the mirror and ask yourself …

Why are those women NOT dating the nice guys who treat them like real princesses?

Obviously, they are dating arrogant idiots and bad guys … and NOT guys who are nice to her, pay her a lot of compliments, bring her flowers and want to invite them to dinner.

The first thing to realize now is that ‘being BAD’ gives you 10 times more women than ‘being GOOD’. Look around you and notice some couples where the woman is really beautiful and attractive.

Her man is definitely not the nice and nice type of guy.

So how do these bad boys do it? What makes them so attractive and sexy for women?

It is because women want to be with men who are challenging and not easy to come by. Bad guys and idiots don’t give a damn if a woman likes them or not, while the nice and nice guy is needy, clingy and desperately wants to date her.

Bad boys are wild, they hold the rules and do what they want. Women are automatically drawn to such behavior because it is exciting and unpredictable.

Good guys ALWAYS do the expected and predictable, which is why they become boring in the eyes of any woman.

Bad guys are always superior when it comes to attracting and dating the most beautiful women out there. Take a look at some of the female celebrities out there. They can literally pick any guy they want … and who do they end up with?

He’s an alcoholic rock star, bad actor, or abusive jerk with tattoos all over his body.

But what attracts women to these guys is not their abusive attitude, arrogant demeanor, and tendencies to beat up the wife … hell no.

You see, if you were a woman and had to choose between a nice guy who has nothing more to offer than the classic dates like going to a restaurant where he pays for everything or a movie where he brings chocolate and flowers … then the woman wants AL ANOTHER guy out there.

And that, sadly, are the bad guys on the block.

You hear so many people say that these types of guys are the ‘wrong men’, but what else is there?

As a woman, you always choose the wild, rebellious and self-infatuated man over the nice and sympathetic boy who would do anything for you.

Think about the class you belong to.

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