How can we let go of fear?
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How can we let go of fear?

Moving from the 3rd Dimension to the 5th Dimension requires understanding that we are spiritual beings rather than physical beings.

The third dimension is full of fear and physical matter is dense. One cannot manifest from the third dimension. Most news broadcasts place their viewers in the third dimension, which some would posit as where studio owners want their viewers. When we are in the 5th dimension, manifesting is easy and immediate.

How can we let go of fear?

There are various methods of letting go of the fear or the belief that created the fear. Some prefer the Sedona Method and others prefer The Work of Byron Katie. I like Ho’oponopono and the Busting Loose methods because they remind me that I am a spiritual person creating whatever problem I may be in right now. Ho’oponopono refers to this as 100% responsibility.

This in itself is sometimes enough without actually doing the method. You are the creator of your life and of everything, absolutely everything, including challenges. explain in A Course in Miracles that no miracle is needed because God did not create anything less than perfect. Any illness is an ego/false belief created blemish and can be fixed by realizing there was no illness in the first place.

Understanding that you are already capable is a 4th dimensional quality. Love is another quality of the 4th dimension. It is not possible to be loving and fearful since the first fills your life with light, and the second can only be felt in the dark.

Fear of loss:

Most people experience fear of loss when they get something new, something they didn’t have before. This could be a great love object, extra money, or a desired job. There is no mistake in the Universe. If you got yourself into a better position, you have what it takes to be there.

If you find yourself in this position, immerse yourself in the feeling. Trying to change the feeling or ignoring it will cause it to linger in the background. Dive into the feeling because we incarnate to have feelings and this is part of your life experience. Then do your Ho’oponopono, or Sedona or Busting Loose method and remember that you are 100% responsible for creating your life experience and will not take on anything that is not in accordance with your soul’s desire.

Appreciate how, like the roller coaster, your life is sometimes scary, and remember how you always managed to find your way through it.

This will send you back above the 3rd dimension. You are capable and in charge of your life. You are a loving being. Congratulations!

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