
How do moles reproduce?

The reproduction period of moles is between the months of February and June, generally during the spring. At this time, male moles have their sexual organs ready to emit sperm and females have their uterus ready to carry young. Males, also known as wild boars, dig long, large burrows in search of mates. The moles are prepared before mating by making large to wide tunnels that can accommodate two of them, this is the first step to the breeding period.

When they find a female also known as a sow, they mate and then leave them behind. Moles only come together for the purpose of mating and then live solitary lives; the males do not participate in the rearing of the young. Moles are not social animals and will not live together for long, they will usually be together during mating, which could last a few hours.

The gestation period for a mole is thirty days and moles give birth to a litter of two to seven young. The skin of the young is bare up to two weeks since they are born without fur so the mother must keep them warm by making a nest with some soft grasses and leaves. When the little ones are three weeks old, they can move, at this time they are feeding only on breast milk. When the little ones are seven weeks old, they are strong enough and then they can leave their mother to go make their own tunnels and start foraging for food on their own and living alone.

The cycle continues. An adult sow can give birth only once a year between the months of February and June or basically during the spring so we can say that the moles do not reproduce as much otherwise if they did, they would be so many and the amount of destruction they would have . because due to its population it would be large.

When the hatchlings leave their mothers and start to make their own tunnels, they are very destructive to the lawn and flower beds, because they are very energetic and will make long tunnels in a short time and therefore will cause great destruction. At the same time, they are energetically searching for vertebrates to feed on the ground and this will lead them to retch on paths and in loose soils, as well as make your lawn uneven with molehills. The number of moles born has a fifty percent chance of survival. This is due to the natural cause of death and the fact that once they leave their mother’s tunnel, they are exposed to predators who lend themselves to them because they are too naive to know the tricks on how to stay safe from their predators. .

Young ground moles are a danger to humans and many will try to get rid of them to avoid destruction on their lawns, flower beds, and pathways in schools, hotels, or elsewhere.

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