How do titles affect your scrapbook layouts?

How do titles affect your scrapbook layouts?

How are you doing with creating your own digital scrapbook page layouts this week?

Did you remember that you’re not trying to fit all the photos you’ve taken on your scrapbook page layout? I know sometimes it’s hard not to put too many digital photos on one page…but remember, sometimes less really is more!

Sometimes you need to build your digital designs around a single focal photo and then embellish it with just a couple of smaller supporting digital images, if you like.

That brings us back to our original question…

How do the titles we choose affect the page layouts of our digital scrapbooks?

Let’s look at it this way, we do our best to try to make our scrapbook page titles interesting so that they grab the reader’s attention. Sometimes using a simple phrase that means something to us personally or evokes emotional memories can be a better option than a simple descriptive title.

Let me give you a quick example. If your child always refers to his Uncle Brian as UnCow Brain… then a title phrase like “Johnny and his UnCow Brain” might be a better choice for his scrapbook page layout rather than “The UnCow Brain.” Uncle Brian takes Johnny fishing. That way, every time you, your family (including little Johnny), or future generations look at it over the years, you’ll immediately conjure up all the memories of when John was a three-year-old.

If you put a little more thought into choosing the titles for your digital scrapbook layouts, they will become a real part of the story you are telling and not just long words at the top of the page.

It’s because your scrapbook page layouts (digital or handmade) should always be more than just a bunch of photos placed on a page!

Page titles and phrases should always be part of the scrapbook layout story and not just wasted space.

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