How to deal with back acne
Lifestyle Fashion

How to deal with back acne

Having back acne, or acne on the back or buttocks, can be an uncomfortable situation. This type of acne can appear as comedones (blackheads and whiteheads), small pimples or large cysts filled with pus, and reddish bumps. In severe forms of acne on the back, large lesions and scars can also appear, which cause great discomfort when wearing tight-fitting shirts or clothing.

Aside from the usual culprits behind pimples, which are overactive oil glands and hormonal imbalance, back acne can be caused or worsened by the following factors:

  • tight suits or bras
  • wearing clothing made of man-made or synthetic fabrics as these fabrics don’t really make your skin breathe
  • excessive sweating
  • pressure from carrying heavy bags or backpacks
  • If you regularly wear tight clothing or bras, this habit can lead to back acne because tight clothing traps heat and excess sweat. This moist environment can promote the growth of pimple-causing bacteria.

    Clothing made of synthetic or man-made fabrics do not allow the skin to breathe properly and can cause irritation. Synthetics can also cause more friction compared to a cotton shirt, leading to more breakouts.

    Sweat doesn’t actually cause breakouts, but it’s excess perspiration that makes you more prone to breakouts. When combined with friction and pressure, excessive sweating due to heat can lead to acne-like breakouts. Back acne can be common among soldiers assigned to tropical countries, as the humid environment can cause pimples or worsen existing acne breakouts.

    Using heavy backpacks or bags can cause friction as the bag’s fabric rubs against your back and shoulders, leading to acne-like breakouts. The area of ​​the skin touched by the backpack straps becomes irritated, especially if there is excess sweat.

    To avoid back acnebuttocks and shoulders, experts suggest you practice the following tips:

  • If you can’t avoid wearing tight clothing or uniforms, try wearing a shirt made of natural fabrics like cotton underneath to protect your skin from rubbing and allow your pores to breathe.
  • After exercising, wash your buttocks and back with a mild cleanser to relieve heat and remove excess sweat and surface fat.
  • Apply powder to your back. It will absorb excess sweat and temporarily prevent friction between clothing and skin.
  • Avoid scratching or picking at pimples on your buttocks or back, as this can only lead to further irritation and scarring.
  • If your condition does not change or worsens after following the above tips, you can visit a dermatologist for more suitable treatment. He may give you medicines like benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid, as these medicines can help kill pimple-causing bacteria and get rid of pimples.

    When treating back acne, don’t expect your pimples to clear up immediately after applying a medication. Your skin’s response to any acne medication will take time, so be patient and try to avoid things that could make your situation worse.

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