
How to ease your pain with yoga

Who would have thought that a few simple poses would alleviate headaches, back pain, and other aches that many people suffer from? I was totally impressed when I learned that practicing yoga would eliminate my headaches. If you had known this many years ago, you would never have suffered from huge headaches as a teenager. Here are some simple moves to shake off your pain for the New Year.

Headaches, stress, and anxiety
Are Headaches, Stress, and Anxiety Threats to Your Daily Activities? Try to get on your knees, sitting on your legs, on the floor. Inhale deeply and exhale, leaning forward to rest your forehead on the floor for five to ten breaths. Your arms rest flabby at the sides. Continue to breathe deeply, imagining that you are exhaling your breath directly into the problem area. When you’re ready to come out of this pose, inhale deeply and slowly lift your head off the ground.

Back pain?
Try lying on your back, on the floor. Inhale deeply and, as you exhale, hug your knees to your chest. Hold this position for five to ten breaths while rocking from side to side to massage your lower back against the floor. To come out of the pose, on an exhale, release your legs to the floor and lie on your back, breathing gently for another five to ten breaths before turning to the right side to slowly rise to a comfortable sitting position. Try this as many times as you need throughout the day.

Another excellent posture for back pain is to lie flat on the floor (full length). Begin to inhale and exhale deeply. On an inhale, raise your arms and legs to your own degree and hold there for a breath or two. Then release them and let them on an exhale. Try this as many times as you like. To get out, inhale up to your hands and knees.

Hip pain?
Do you feel stiff in your hip joint every time you get up from sitting to walk? Try this easy pose and feel the pain go away. Sit cross-legged on the floor (criss-cross applesauce). Sit upright, inhale deeply, and then exhale as you walk with your hands in front of you (to your own degree). Continue to breathe deeply for five to ten breaths. When you are ready to come out of this pose, inhale as you walk your hands towards your body and slowly lift yourself off the ground.

Practice these poses as often as you can and discover a new calm and pain-free being for the New Year.

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