How to gain muscle weight
Health Fitness

How to gain muscle weight

If you are skinny and want to know how to gain muscle weight, surely you want to do it without gaining weight. The truth is that you will need to gain some fat to build muscle in the beginning.

Let me explain a bit more;

In the initial phase of gaining muscle weight, you must eat a surplus of calories from the food you eat. To think that you can gain muscle weight just by exercising is crazy. You have to eat to gain weight.

The real question is how to gain muscle weight without gaining flab. Is it really possible? What you need to do is find a balance in the amount of acceptable fat.

There are two ways you take when you want to gain muscle weight:

The first would be to eat like a pig, but the danger is that you might overdo it a bit by thinking that the more you eat, the more muscle tissue your body will produce. Not precisely. The truth is, your body can only use a certain amount of food to gain muscle at a time. The rest will go and settle as flab around your waist.

Therefore, taking this approach may not be the best and also not very healthy.

So how can we eat enough extra food for our bodies to turn into muscle weight? A method that will allow you to gain muscle mass without gaining the additional flab that most people already have problems with today.

I’ll show you a great program to do that later.

Some men will say they gained 10 pounds in three weeks, but take that with a grain of salt. Focus is constant, goal oriented. By eating the right amount of food and training properly, there’s no reason why you can’t gain 1lb – 2lbs of pure muscle per week.

The next step you should take would be to learn how much additional food to eat and how you should train for the best results. There are some great programs out there that show you exactly how to gain muscle weight without getting fat.

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