How to lose weight without starving yourself

How to lose weight without starving yourself

Unless you have an incredible metabolism, we all yearn for ways to lose unwanted weight without starving our grumpy bellies. I myself have a particularly sweet tooth. How do we lose pounds without giving up the foods we love? Try the following.

Take every opportunity to put some mileage on those legs! Walk at least one to three miles a day for six days a week. Your walk should take about an hour at most. I’ve found it to be extremely fun to go for a walk with a friend, but feel free to use a treadmill if you have one.

Some tips when walking:
– Always make sure you have good quality running shoes with enough room for your toes.
– Walk at a pace that is comfortable for you. The pace should be slightly faster than your normal gait.
– Integrate brisk walking or jogging for 30 seconds at a time.
– Keep your shoulders back and your chin straight. Posture is important!
– Lengthen your stride to tone your inner and outer thighs more efficiently.
– Don’t forget to stretch after your hike!

Job outputs:
As you complete your walk, use at least three of the following exercises to help tone your legs.

1. Thigh Raise: Lie on your stomach with your arms crossed and your head supported. Extend your legs out so your feet are a few inches off the ground. Bend your knees slightly while keeping them off the ground. Hold this position for at least 15 seconds. Slowly bend your knees, lower your legs to the ground, and repeat at least once.

2. Leg raises: Sit on the floor with your right knee bent and your left leg fully extended. Raise your left leg so it’s at least 6 inches off the ground. Hold it like this for five seconds or less (with control). Do at least five repetitions for each leg.

3. Kick Backs – Get on your elbows and knees. Keep your back flat. Raise your left leg with your knee bent and your heel pointing toward the ceiling. Hold this position for five seconds and then slowly lower your leg. Do five repetitions for each leg.

4. Leg lifts: Stand and hold on to the back of a chair. Move one of your legs back at an angle with your toes touching the ground. Raise this foot until your heel is at least 12 inches off the ground. Hold this position for five seconds. Do at least 10 or more reps for each leg.

5. Sit on the wall: stand with your back against the wall. Slide down to your thighs and parallel to the ground. It should look like you are sitting on an imaginary chair. Hold for 30 seconds to two minutes. Repeat at least 3 times.

Eat healthy
Many people count calories to help lose weight. While this is an effective strategy, what’s left for those of us who aren’t calorie calculators? Here are some tips to help you reduce your calorie intake without obsessing over nutrition labels.

– Eat when you’re hungry, don’t starve! Those who are starving usually overeat when it is time to eat.

– Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. Water helps you feel full, but it should NOT replace any food.

– Pick one unhealthy thing you eat and stay away from it. I have an unhealthy addiction to Oreos and have told myself that I will allow myself one cookie a day. (I’ve found that designating Sunday as Oreo Day is disastrous, as I’ll be eating them non-stop.)

To view footage of the workouts outlined above and for more information, visit the link below or read “Slim Thighs in 30 Days” by Wendy Stehling.

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