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How to perform at your highest level through physical fitness

Anthony Robbins said: “The difference between acting badly or acting brilliantly is not based on your ability, but on the state of your mind and / or body at any given moment.” When the mental state reaches its peak, we perform at its best, and when it collapses, life becomes a comedy of errors.

In today’s world, a person’s brain is their most effective tool, so it stands to reason that care must be taken so that it can deliver peak performance on a regular basis. And, as Robbins said, peak performance depends on the state of that mind, so our main concern is keeping that mind in the best possible state.

Now, most experts agree that the brain, like a muscle, needs exercise and, like a muscle, it must be trained in different ways for different purposes. A marathon runner will not train in the same way that a weightlifter will and a mind that is honing itself to regularly vibrate at peak state will require a different regiment than that which is honed for creativity.

Maximum and empowering states of mind require an atmosphere of optimism, a positive attitude, and a sense of dominance and control. The level of optimism depends largely on the people we meet, the positive attitude depends on what we focus on and what we feed our mind on a regular basis. The sense of mastery and control is the domain of the personal planner.

Before getting into the nitty-gritty of the essential ways and means for maintaining a state of maximum empowerment, it should be noted that the level of commitment differs for each individual. It is a matter of personal values ​​and personal ambition. Commitment to peak performance is a bit like personal views on physical fitness. Some people will accept nothing but the highest level of fitness, while others may be satisfied with the essentials.

For the person who would be satisfied with an acceptable level of mental state control, a daily regiment of motivational and inspiring exercises of about twenty minutes would suffice. It can be done by listening to appropriate tapes or CDs, as can be done by reading a few passages from a good self-improvement book. The secret is to do it consistently. That way, negative thinking would at least be kept at bay and that daily snack would optimize the person’s natural positive inclinations.

The best artists will need the basic regiment already described plus two additional elements. Tutorial orientation and a personal planner.

No one can reach the highest rungs of success without some kind of training or tutorial guide. Tony Robbins is even said to have three personal trainers and it is a well-known fact that Robbins himself trains clients who pay a million dollars a year for the service. If billionaires and Robbins still need training, it stands to reason that budding successes do as well.

There are two main methods of acquiring tutoring services. A personal trainer can be hired or, for those who are lucky enough to have some contacts with successful people, it can be done through networking with these people. Ideally, you should use both methods.

As stated earlier, working with a personal planner is essential too. The daily work with the planner is where the rather vague notions are defined and clarified like crystal. It is where the goals and objectives are born, developed and specified, along with the strategies to implement them. That is where the fuzziness of dreams is replaced by the seeds of concrete reality.

The quality of our performance depends on the state of mind at a given moment. To be at the highest level, the state of mind needs an atmosphere of optimism, a positive attitude, and a sense of dominance and control. All of these are elements that must be nurtured and fed on a daily basis. That can be done through regular inspirational immersion, tutorial guidance, daily planning and organization.

Mental fitness is acquired in the same way that physical fitness is acquired. Through regular exercises, a favorable environment and a healthy diet. It works for the body and it also works for the mind.

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