How to stay healthy after retirement
Health Fitness

How to stay healthy after retirement

Some time ago, I wrote that the top three things retirees care about most are wealth, health, and relationships. Personally speaking, I think that wealth, or running out of money, ranks first in the minds of retired seniors and health is a close second. Part of the reason is that advances in health care and changes in attitude have made it possible for us to live and stay active longer than ever before. The big deal with health is staying fit and strong enough to enjoy being active and keeping our immune systems running at peak efficiency.

fitness for seniors

Staying in shape, that’s the problem. Being retired means you can sleep and work as much as you want. And it gets easier to sit on the porch as we get older. At my last physical, my doctor told me that it was never too late to be physically active and increase my strength and stamina. You are probably right.

Consider this; It’s not how long you’ve been alive that makes you old, it’s the lack of activity and a good positive attitude as you get older. Research has shown time and time again that our sedentary lifestyles are detrimental to our health and that active people enjoy life better and age with fewer health problems.

Even though you know this to be true, you may think it’s too late to activate or be convinced that you can’t, but that’s not true either. Talk to your doctor about any restrictions you may have, then get active. You can enjoy sports and adventure. And we’re not talking about taking a casual walk, brisk walking, or gardening. We’re talking about getting your heart rate up and pushing yourself a bit.

Here are 5 easy ways to stay active at any age.


When it comes to health and fitness, it’s hard to beat the benefits of a swimming pool. Swimming is the best exercise when it comes to improving muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness. It’s easy on the joints (making it an ideal choice for seniors), helps increase flexibility, improves bone density and heart health. According to the CDC, swimming and other water-based exercises are safe and effective regardless of your age. I read a study that indicated that older adults who swam were 33% less likely to fall, a leading cause of injury in people over 70. I’m not sure how they arrive at these statistics, but anything that increases the strength and muscle tone has help.

Lift weights

If “lifting weights” or “going to the gym” conjures up images of young bodybuilders lifting weights, it’s time to rethink this form of exercise and see the benefits that can be gained, including confidence, better sleep, and stronger muscles and bones. Articles on the CDC website suggest that strength training may help relieve arthritis pain and reduce the chances that older people will fall. Weightlifting programs can be tailored to suit people of all ages and abilities. Strength training can be a safe and effective exercise for older adults, but we must be careful not to overdo it when we start. Take a look at some kettlebell exercises and use low weights to avoid sore muscles.


Or just walking helps people connect with nature, keep moving, and enjoy the benefits of being outdoors and interacting with other people. Seniors are doing everything from charity walk/run events to tackling the Appalachian Trail. A well-earned sense of independence is at the top of the list of benefits for most hikers. Nature provides an escape from daily stress and encourages longer periods of activity than a walk around the neighborhood. Other health benefits include improved heart health, circulation, mobility, and a reduced risk of hospitalization.

Join a sports league

This one could be a bit more difficult. But, if you don’t like to exercise alone, the teamwork of organized sports could be the ticket to better health. Adult sports leagues across the country offer everything from basketball to softball. Whichever sport you choose, there’s a good chance you’ll find others playing in your area, so join in and reap the physical and mental benefits and make new friends at the same time.


If you’re not into more active sports, yoga can give you the exercise benefits you’re looking for. Although I have not practiced yoga, I know several people who do Hatha yoga. It is certainly worth taking the time to move through the poses to gain greater flexibility and relieve stress. You can practice on your own with just a video as a guide or join a class. Yoga will help you increase your muscle strength, improve flexibility and circulation, and reduce your stress level.

Staying healthy and fit is key to enjoying retirement. Many people retire and start living the good life. Staying up late, eating more and sitting on the couch more. Most of us stop getting enough exercise and it doesn’t take long for us to be overweight, out of shape, and out of breath. And it’s easier to do nothing about it.

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