How To Stop Hair Loss – General Tips On How To Stop Hair Loss

How To Stop Hair Loss – General Tips On How To Stop Hair Loss

For a long time, baldness was only recognized as occurring primarily in men and once it was recognized as a potential problem for women as well, the development of treatments for women began to take off. Advances are being made all the time in the treatment of male and female baldness. We will talk about some of the causes of hair loss, some of the existing treatments, as well as some general tips on how to stop hair loss.

Causes of hair problems

As we age our hair naturally thins but for some it progresses to baldness and for others to complete baldness. Hormonal changes such as those that occur with pregnancy, childbirth, and the use of birth control. and thyroid problems can also trigger hair loss. Once the pregnancy is over and delivery occurs, the hair will grow back, but it will take time. As the hormonal changes are treated and once the balance has been corrected, the hair will grow back, but again it takes time, up to 6 months. Serious illnesses or injuries can also be related to hair loss. High fevers are also a trigger.

There are some medications that have been linked to baldness. Chemotherapy treatments will cause hair loss. Radiation will also cause hair loss. Once the treatments end, the hair grows back, over time.

If you wash your hair too often or dry it too much, it becomes weak and you may experience hair loss. In this sense, it is advisable to use a detangler or conditioner and avoid knots.

Both physical and emotional stress can trigger hair loss. Emotional disorders, physical illnesses and nervous habits can also be triggers. Pulling your hair or rubbing your head excessively can weaken the hair shaft, break it, and damage the hair follicle. If this happens, it may be difficult for hair to grow back.

Existing treatments to help stop hair loss

Rogaine (minoxidil) is a product that will benefit both men and women.
Propecia (finasteride) is a male-only product and may be of some benefit.
There is also a spray that you can use to cover bald patches that look like hair.
Hair transplant works, it is real hair that grows and does not look artificial.
Injected or topical steroids are used to treat bald spots on the scalp, beard, or eyebrows.
This is called alopecia areata and can be an immune disorder.

General tips on how to stop hair loss

Do not comb your hair in knots, you can break it and weaken it.
Do not wash your hair or dry it too much, again it can weaken or make it brittle.
Don’t pull her tight into a ponytail; puts unnecessary stress on your hair.
Don’t let the knots go bad; when you comb it or brush out the knots you can literally
pull out some of your hair.
Don’t use a lot of chemicals on your hair too often, it can burn your hair and scalp.


Taking care of your hair will keep it healthy. This includes using a conditioner to reduce tangles and you should gently comb it through. Be careful about the medications you take, as some medications can cause hair loss. Hair loss can be stopped and reversed in some cases.

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