How to use guided meditations to awaken and use the power of your mind!

How to use guided meditations to awaken and use the power of your mind!

If you’re ready to take the first steps toward creating a better life, you need to find someone to guide you through the basics of meditation. People who have listened to guided meditation CDs have experienced increases in creative problem solving, better concentration, and reductions in tension and stress. Guided meditation takes you through visualization strengthening exercises that are easy to understand and apply. These exercises help strengthen the mind-body connection to improve focus and mental acuity. You deserve a better life, and learning to meditate can lead to peace of mind and a stress-free body.

I have been teaching meditation courses since 1981 and have developed a line of meditations that use relaxation techniques to address everything from managing stress and insomnia to losing weight and manifesting abundance. If you are a person who does not believe in the power of the ‘body-mind’ connection, how do you explain what happens to your body while you engage in a sexual fantasy? The mind is so powerful and such an important part of our lives that we forget to use it for our own benefit. Most people fill their minds with fear and when they think about the future they imagine what could go ‘wrong’ instead of what could go ‘right’.

If you’re like most people, you don’t have time to sign up for a 3-day meditation course. Guided meditation is the perfect solution for a busy lifestyle. Finding audio recordings that guide you, step by step, through the meditation experience is like having your own private meditation coach available 24/7, all at the touch of a button. No more books to read, just hit play and close your eyes and in minutes you’ll be meditating like a master. It has never been easier and here are some tips for finding a good guided meditation.

1. Is there background music? The music relaxes the right (creative) part of your brain while the guided voice relaxes the left (analytical) part of your brain. Try using a guided meditation that has calming music in the background to help relax your entire brain.

2. Does the guiding voice reassure and reassure you? Be sure to select a guided meditation that has a male or female voice that you also enjoy listening to.

3. Find a place where you won’t be disturbed. Turn off your phone, close the door, and tell your family you don’t want to be disturbed for the next 30-45 minutes while you listen to the guided meditation. Make sure you sit in your favorite chair or lie down on the couch. Don’t try to meditate in your bed. Your subconscious mind associates your bed with sleep and you may fall asleep during your meditation.

4. Wear loose, comfortable clothing.

5. To help you relax faster, add a few lubricating eye drops to each eye before you close them for meditation. This can help calm and relax your eyes quickly. Relaxed eyes help the whole body de-stress more quickly.

6. Practice listening to 2-3 different meditation titles to learn different relaxation techniques.

7. Let your mind fly. Be as imaginative and creative as possible while saying the words, allow yourself to focus and feel the words with your whole body, mind and spirit. Learning the basics of guided meditation opens your mind to experiences you never thought possible.

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