How to Use MYSTERIOUS Tactics to Seduce Women – 3 Tactics That Give You the Ultimate Seduction Power
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How to Use MYSTERIOUS Tactics to Seduce Women – 3 Tactics That Give You the Ultimate Seduction Power

Have you ever wondered how you could cause a feeling of ecstasy among the women you are trying to seduce? Well, one of the deadliest ways to make her addicted to your every word is to create a mysterious aura about you. Why do women love? MYSTERY You can ask? It is human instinct to find answers. Subconsciously, his uncertainty about you floods his mind with feelings of intrigue and curiosity. In turn, when women are surrounded by mysterious men, they are automatically curious to know more. Once her curiosity gets the better of her, the tables are turned. She’s caught up in your every word… and now is when you have the power play.

How can you attract women using mystery? Three simple tips to hook it:

Technique #1: Avoid settling

Having a completely different image or approach to everyone around you can work in your favor! However, weigh yourself so you don’t stand out too much, you don’t want to wear a red suit to a funeral, you know what I mean. Stand out enough to be seen but not enough to make people look! You want to be the main attraction, not the misunderstood clown. When your correctly placed nonconformity is detected on your radar, you will be noticed and recognized.

Technique #2: Mind Games.

The key element to keeping a woman interested is to always keep her guessing. Securing it always means the ball is in your court. You have to be prepared for anything she might use to blow the mystery out of the water. Answer a question with a question maybe? Maybe playing rough makes her feel like you’re not interested, but at the switch of a button you flirt with her. Stir her emotions and her mind will surely be confused!

Technique #3: Storytelling.

What a lot of men do is they lay all their cards on the table. Big mistake guys. Information is the Holy Grail that people easily give away. When you kiss and tell everything, insecurity will surface as if you are desperately selling yourself with bluff and tall tales, as well as excess humor. Three tips to balance the information you give…

Silence is a very powerful force. This strength, coupled with a good facial expression, can easily deflect her. Use it sparingly even if you don’t want to look dense. Women are outspoken thinkers; use your own talents against them! Silence will surely make them guess what you have in mind.

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