How to use social media users as visitors to your own website
Digital Marketing

How to use social media users as visitors to your own website

In this post, I am about to demonstrate a simple yet extremely powerful method, which is used by many SEO experts, to get the attention of unique, truthful, and potential users who are interested in your website. unique visitors to your niche or site.

As you can see, my blog is about science. So I would make sure and really prefer that the majority of my blog visitors are people who are interested in science or science students. But I will not like people who are fond of music to enter my blog, thirsty for music.

So the way to address this need is through a simple social networking site like Facebook. So what I can do is find a group meant for scientific discussions and then get the members of that group and communicate with them directly. This could at least ensure that the visitors are science freaks and this is what we want too. The way you communicate with members depends on your preference. For example, you say, “Hello, I saw your name in the science group and I’m really interested in this topic. I also have a blog. Check it out.”

This is a sample of a message you might send and you should also remember to have the link to your blog or site in each and every message you send.

But another problem arises at the same time, so be careful. The problem is that he won’t be able to send messages manually since he is still a human being, so he may get tired, bored, etc. So why not try automating the process? This is the important point. I recently found a great updater tool called “friend adder elite”, to download this tool just google it.

Please do not get me wrong. You won’t be able to send thousands of emails even if the tool could. If you exceed your limit, you may be permanently banned from that particular social network. Personally, I never like to make large social networks like Facebook to get angry over nonsense. So take my advice not to abuse this tool. So be aware of your limits and use this tool as friendly as possible so that even social network like Facebook and also site visitors will like it very much.

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