Hurricane Harvey and flooding inspire humanity, compassion and a fresh look at climate change

Hurricane Harvey and flooding inspire humanity, compassion and a fresh look at climate change

The heroic and selfless response to the catastrophic Hurricane Harvey, which struck Texas on August 25, 2017, continues to inspire people to live in a way that shows compassion for their fellow human beings. No matter what one’s religion or upbringing may have been, one tends to develop empathy for people who need shelter, food, and other special attention. Human beings learn to compassionately live by example, especially when they observe the selfless sacrifices made by others who help people in need. These are the valuable lessons learned from the devastating scenes in the middle of the storm, those calls for help that we see both on the ground and on television. Every heroic contribution made by volunteers opens hearts and minds while building a degree of moral support for environmental protection groups. In short, concerned people want to make efforts to make this a better world to live in by figuring out how to safeguard their neighbors.

It was inspiring to see the Navy rescue citizens of Houston and others throughout Southeast Texas. His heroic humanitarian efforts were so admirable as they skillfully responded to the needs of people in distress. A helicopter saved seven stranded people and then bravely took off again to search for others trapped by the flood waters. The military acted so bravely during the flood, though one naturally hopes they won’t have to respond to such devastation again in the future.

Neighbors, journalists, foreigners and people of all ethnicities and religions lent a hand when they spontaneously put themselves to the test. A group of journalists risked their lives to save an elderly man in his car when he mistakenly drove into a deep stream. Instead of ignoring a pet in distress, a group of men saved a dog that had nearly been drained into the threatening waters. Nursing homes were evacuated while other vulnerable hospitalized people were brought in by volunteers. Such courage abounded to accomplish great rescue missions!

People in Texas worked together regardless of race, origin, or national origin during the catastrophic event. It was reassuring to know that homeless people were provided with shelter, clothing, and a place to sleep. Seeing others doing good deeds to help people in need encourages viewers to consider how everyone can help one another. Although most people are too far away to assist in many humanitarian operations, one might consider living in a way that prevents future occurrences of other catastrophic weather events.

Many disagree that climate change exists; however, it is worth seriously examining the possibility so as not to endanger future generations. Providing excellent, free science education for all young people and taking better care of our planet could prevent future climate-related tragedies. By considering these possibilities, we can make a positive difference, even from afar. Furthermore, the time has come to re-examine our priorities. Do we really need many material goods? Are we defined by our possessions? Would it be possible to use alternative forms of energy so as not to damage or pollute the environment? We can be heroic if we change our ways to protect the environment for future generations. We can be heroic if we accept others as they are and help them in their time of need, like the first responders in Texas did.

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