Ideas for the first date with Thai girls

Ideas for the first date with Thai girls

Having been on the dating scene for a few months now, I’ve had quite a few first dates! I think I could probably take one a day if I really wanted to, but I try to keep them to a minimum as they can still be a bit daunting even here in Thailand.

Some of the normal dates where you would take a Western girl on are not really possible here for a couple of reasons.

1) Language barriers

Thais don’t speak the best English in the world, so it can be a bit tricky to speak Pigeon English all night with someone who doesn’t understand 100% of what you say. Your attempts at joking may go unnoticed and maybe even your attempts at flirting need to be changed to a different style when you meet a Thai girl for the first time.

2) Cultural differences

You may not understand the culture and you may offend by doing something wrong! In Thailand, the head and feet are places that can cause the occasional misstep. I remember one of my friends poking a Thai girl on the head when she didn’t know her very well. In Thailand, the head is a special part of the body and you can’t just touch people on the head unless you know them well.

Here are a couple of suggestions I would give you as first date ideas.

1) Cook together or alone.

Thai girls don’t seem to be afraid of me asking them out to dinner on the first date! Sometimes they even show up with a couple of days worth of clothes! You may not believe me, but they will often ask me if they can stay 1 or 2 nights if I mention that I invite them to my house for dinner. Cooking for them is a great way to move the relationship forward. It shows that you can really offer them a skill, and it also gives you an intimate setting in which to talk to them without anyone else listening. However, I would suggest cooking Thai food as it is a safe bet.

2) Dinner out.

A more traditional one here that you will be used to at home. Yes, there are many amazing restaurants in Thailand and I love to try new Thai dishes. Your date night will, of course, understand the menu much better than you do, and you may end up finding a new meal you’ve never tried before. You may want to leave the choice of restaurant up to them as I often seem to pick the wrong one!

3) Bowling.

I haven’t found many bowling places in Thailand, but when I do, I enjoy taking a girl there. Thai girls love nothing more than having fun and bowling is just that. You can feel free to make a fool of yourself as you are a foreigner and expected of you!

However, the number 1 dating experience for me is dinner at home, often leading to other things pretty quickly.

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