Is chiropractic care safe during pregnancy?

Is chiropractic care safe during pregnancy?

Many women who are used to receiving regular chiropractic care wonder whether or not they should continue this treatment once they become pregnant. There are no known complications of chiropractic care to worry about during your pregnancy. All chiropractors are trained to work with pregnant women, and some have additional training in specific methods.

Pregnant women may prefer a chiropractor who uses gentle or low-force techniques, as there is no cracking or twisting of the spine during the adjustment.

Is chiropractic safe during pregnancy?

Chiropractic during pregnancy is an effective, drug-free, and safe treatment for both mom and baby. Chiropractic care can continue while you are pregnant, or you can start a new chiropractic treatment program as early as the first month of pregnancy. Treatment will help you better deal with the many changes that are taking place in her body. Special adjustments made by the chiropractor, designed for pregnancy, help balance the pelvis, reduce nerve irritation in the spine, and generally help your body feel more comfortable overall.

The International Pediatric Chiropractic Association recommends that women receive chiropractic care during pregnancy to establish pelvic balance and optimize the space the baby has to develop during pregnancy. With a better balanced pelvis, babies enjoy a greater chance of moving into the correct position for birth, which can result in an easier and safer delivery for both mother and baby.

What are the benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy?

Chiropractic care during pregnancy can lead to an overall healthier pregnancy. Other benefits include control of nausea symptoms, relief of back, neck, and joint pain, reduction of the risk of a potential C-section, and reduction of the amount of time a woman is in labor and delivery. Chiropractors trained in the Webster technique can perform adjustments using this technique when babies are breech. Studies have shown an 82% success rate for babies turning vertex when using the Webster technique.

How do I adapt during pregnancy?

Many chiropractors have specially designed pillows or tables that allow the mother-to-be to safely and comfortably lie on her stomach during her chiropractic adjustment. Women who are uncomfortable lying this way can still adjust by lying on their side.

Are there benefits to chiropractic care after pregnancy?

After you give birth, your body’s supply of relaxin is reduced and your bones and ligaments begin to return to their original positions. Chiropractic adjustments help in this process by making sure everything is aligned. Chiropractic is an essential part of the postpartum process and is especially helpful if you have had a difficult experience during pregnancy or childbirth.

Chiropractic also helps your body deal with the added stress of holding and caring for your baby. Additional push-ups, lifts, stretches and swings will become part of your daily routine. Your body will need help adjusting to these new movements and chiropractic is a great help.

As more women turn to chiropractic care as a means of maintaining good health during pregnancy, more health care providers turn to chiropractors within their communities. Be sure to discuss chiropractic as an option when you meet with your health care provider. If they don’t know about chiropractic care during pregnancy, ask them to find out. Most chiropractors welcome the opportunity to partner with other health care providers to help pregnant women have a positive pregnancy experience.

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