Lifestyle Fashion

Iyengar Yoga for Stress Relief: Top 10 Excuses Not to Do Yoga

Unless you’ve been to Mars preparing a welcome for NASA’s Mars rover, you probably know that many people practice Iyengar Yoga for stress relief and other health benefits. Until now, however, no one has compiled a quick and easy-to-use list of excuses not to do yoga. As a public service, we have created a list of ten outstanding excuses to help those who want to avoid the stress relief, relaxation, weight loss, increased energy, and other health benefits of doing yoga.

If you do yoga:


1. You’ll look young and energetic instead of old and tired, and you’ll need to stop lecturing the young about how much easier it was when you were their age.


2. You will no longer freak out or lose your temper when the smallest things go wrong, and you won’t be able to avoid all those annoying people who didn’t like you because of your temper and now want to be your friend.

3. You will lose the physical clumsiness, lack of coordination, and inability to touch, or even see, the toes that you have been cultivating as status symbols of the aristocratic life of leisure and tranquility that you lead.

4. You’ll blow your chance to win the gold medal at the upcoming Couch Potato of the Year International Championships if you get too forceful.

5. Your doctor will feel lonely because you don’t see him as often and have no idea what else he could do with the money you spend on various medications.

6. Your health insurance premiums may no longer be as high as possible because you’re doing something that will reduce your chances of getting serious illnesses.

7. You’ll have to give up your time-tested morning ritual of sucking, grimacing, yanking and yanking on your pants to close out your free time while you get dressed for another day.

8. You may have to get rid of your award-winning collection of diet books if you start losing weight without trying to diet.

9. You’ll have a way to bounce back from jet lag and other forms of burnout and no longer be able to complain to everyone for weeks about how tired you are.

10. If you reduce stress, have more energy, and are in very good health, you may lose the excellent complaining skills you’ve developed over the years.

Now you have a ready-made list of excuses to use when someone asks why you haven’t tried yoga even though you’re stressed and would like to relieve stress. However, if you have decided that you can use Iyengar Yoga for stress relief and other health benefits, then go ahead and take a yoga class! After all, what do you have to lose except that spare tire, constant state of fatigue and stress?

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