Law of attraction myths debunked
Legal Law

Law of attraction myths debunked

If you’re like me, sometimes when working with affirmations, positive thinking, and the law of attraction, you may wonder, “How soon will this work?”

This is especially true when you’re stuck and feel like things will never move.

We all have our “problem areas.” These can be money, relationships, health, or some combination of the above.

This is usually because we have what I call a “psychic deficit” in that area of ​​our lives. We have come to expect problems in that area and have deep-seated beliefs that are negative.

Why do those negative expectations take root in the first place? Because we are psychic sponges that basically absorb all the “data” that is floating around us.

If you grew up in an environment where money was an issue, you will have to overcome some negative expectations around money.

If you grew up around people who were very dysfunctional and uncaring, you’ll need to do some work to free yourself from negative beliefs about receiving love and affection.

If you spent a lot of time around people who were physically ill or who were hypochondriacs, always worrying about health, you will have unconsciously acquired some of those same negative beliefs about your own health. So you will have to unload some of that accumulation of negative expectations about your health if your desire is to improve your health.

I will be honest with you. It can take time, even years, to break free of negative beliefs in some of these “problem areas.”

But the good news about affirmations and the law of attraction is that you can start seeing great results very quickly in areas that are not your problem zones. If you don’t accumulate negative beliefs around something, you will manifest wonderful things in that area quickly. So start working on smaller, simpler goals and you’ll soon be encouraged by how quickly big things manifest. This will give you encouragement and motivation as you begin to tackle the more difficult things.

The less resistance you have to receiving positive things and events, the more successful you will be in using the law of attraction to manifest what you want quickly.

So I encourage you to dig a little, to be honest with yourself about the negative beliefs that are deeply ingrained so that you can become more aware of them. By lighting them up and seeing them clearly, you’ll know what you need to start working on. And if you’re persistent with tools like affirmations and visualizations, you’ll see positive results over time.

And in the meantime, start experimenting with the law of attraction for smaller, simpler things. You will be surprised how powerful you are to create your own reality. Then it will be much less daunting when you start working on “bigger” projects.

And don’t forget: have fun with it! The more he can be in a state of joy and excitement, the faster his intentions will manifest on the physical plane.

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